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'Tommy, why are you a raccoon!? Even worst, why is Dlade one too!?' Techno yelled out in frustration, seeing his youngest brother and daughter having raccoon ears and tail. 'It was an experiment went wrong when we were testing a combination of potions.' Dlade told her father while Tommy was in awed at his new look. Techno sighed at the two's tactics. Phil and Techno had went out to mind and he was alone to take care of the children. He was just dealing with his villagers for 5 minutes and they had manage to make this mess. 

'Hey, at least we are part animal like you, Techno.'  Tommy said to Techno. Techno pinch the top of his nose in annoyance. 'Let's find a cure for you shits.' Techno said as he got ready he's weapon and all to go steal a cure from L'manburg. 'Dlade, screw your invisibility potions and don't wear your mask, let Tommy wear it.' Techno said and waited for the kids to get ready. Dlade took off her mask and gave it to Tommy who wear it and pull his hoodie up to cover his face. 'Aren't you scared of wearing my mask which is almost the same as Dream's?' Dlade asked.

Tommy shook his head. 'He's your mother. I can just use you as a human shield if he attack me.' Tommy joke and Dlade hit him in the head. 'Jerk...' Dlade murmured and Tommy laughed. 'Hurry up, we don't have a lot of time.' Techno said and the kids followed him out of the cottage. Techno stick a note for either Dream or Philza and Ghostbur, telling them that they will be out for a while. They went to the nether using the nether portal and walk to the nether portal of the smp. They made sure no one was around and quickly use the portal to get to the SMP. 

'Don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious...' Dlade begin singing softly which made Techno amuse and Tommy covering his laughter to not get expose. The sneak around the smp to find a cure to revert the potion that made Dlade and Tommy raccoons. 'Hey!' Someone yelled. 'Shit.' Techno said as someone had spotted himself but not his daughter and Tommy. 'Stay put, move if there's an emergency.' Techno whispered to the two and walk out to the person. 'I was caught red-handed.' The person who saw Techno was Eret. 

Eret quickly called for the others to come back him up. Techno smirk as he walk towards Eret. He was visibly scared but he didn't move as Techno was in front of him. People started showing up and surrounded Techno. 'Techno, it's time to stop!' Quackity yelled out. 'Drop your weapon and everything you have in your inventory.' Sapnap said. 'Ok, ok.' Techno casually said as he threw all of his stuff on the ground. George lit his stuff on fire and held a smug face. 'What are you going to do now, Technoblade? You don't have anything to protect you.' Eret said. Everyone was cocky that the famous blood god without anything is now surrounded by people. 

'Are we forgetting something?' Fundy asked. 'I don't think s-' Quackity eyes widen and Techno smile sinisterly. 'We forgot about his daughter!' Quackity yelled and instantly dash at Technoblade. Everyone was shock that Technoblade had a daughter except for Fundy who knew. Tubbo and Ranboo are not here as they were dealing with stuff. As Quackity about to land a hit, something block his attack. 'Hello, Quackity. Nice to see you again.' Dlade said as she push Quackity's sword sideway and jump kicked him in the stomach. 

'Here have my crossbow and fireworks.' Dlade said as she threw them at Techno and start attacking the people who were surrounding her. 'When was she a raccoon?' Fundy and Quackity thought in their heads when they saw the ears and tail on Dlade. 'It's that girl that was with Tommy!' George and Sapnap yelled when they saw Dlade. Everyone tried to kill the two while Tommy was watching everything happened, he felt useless but he had to stay here to not interrupt them. 

'What's going on here?' Dream asked as he walk to the crowd of people fighting. 'Dream!' Quackity said. Dream saw Techno and his daughter standing in the middle of the crowd. 'What the fuck...' Dream said as Dlade started to sweat nervously. Techno didn't intervene the situation because he found it amusing. Dream walked up to them and pat Dlade's head. 'Why are you doing here?' Dream asked Technoblade. 'A cure for the raccoon ear and tail.' He said as he pointed at Dlade who was sinking into the affectionate Dream was giving her.

'It's not permanent, so maybe it will last a few days or by the end of the night.' Dream said as he stop petting her head. 'Dream, why are you casually talking to Technoblade.' Fundy asked. Dlade look at her parents for an approve for a prank and they nodded in amusement. 'Why are you asking that? Can't my parents talk with each other?' Dlade said which earned shocked gasps. Dlade saw a specific furry and brunette became jealous at Technoblade. Techno added the fuel to the fire by grabbing Dream's waist and pulling him right next to himself. 

The three of them silently laugh in their mind as those specific two got extremely jealous.

She's OUR Daughter (Dream and Technoblade fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now