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No one POV

Dlade slice Fundy with her axe with an insane speed. FIundy dodged it in time but he's jacket was unfortunate enough to meet with the blade of the axe. He didn't even know he had a cousin, and unluckily, his most dangerous uncle's daughter. 'Why are you doing this?' Dlade asked Fundy. 'This is for the best for L'manburg.' Fundy told his cousin. Dlade's expression turned from serious to disgust. 'You all should have listen what dad said. Everything going on here is because of the government!' She said to Fundy and made him stand right where she wanted him to stand. Dlade threw her axe at Fundy which he dodged. 

'Why did you throw your weapon? That was a stupid choice.' Fundy said to Dlade and threw a poison splash potion at Dlade. Dlade got out of the range of the splash potion and smirked at Fundy. 'I'm not the stupid one, you are.' Just as Dlade finish her sentence, a notification showed up. *Quackity was slain by Technoblade using [Flesh Chopper]* 'Dad, was that canon?' Dlade asked her father as Fundy was distracted over his teammate's death. 'Nope.' Dad said as Dlade ran to him and Fundy tried to attack her again. 

'Move.' Techno said to her daughter as he prepared his firework crossbow. Once Dlade was out of the way, he shot two fireworks at Fundy, killing him. *ItsFundy went off with a bang due to a firework fired from [Rocket Launcher] by Technoblade* Those who weren't there assassinating Techno were panicking in the chat. They were worried about Techno causing violence again. 'Can I kill someone?' Dlade asked Techno since she never killed anyone to not get expose. 'Sure, go ahead. They'll probably tell everyone anyways.' Techno said to Dlade and hand her her axe back. 

Dlade's face lit up and she stare at Tubbo with bloodlust. Tubbo let go off Philza and he tried to defend himself from Dlade, but he was weak. Dlade kept attacking him while she also attack Ranboo in the meantime. The two minors tried helping each other to kill Dlade but it was useless. After a few hits from Dlade, they were killed. *Tubbo was slain by Dlade using [Flesh Chopper]* *Ranboo was slain by Dlade using [Flesh Chopper]* The whole butcher gang was eliminated by the two blood gods. 

Philza and Ghostbur were amazed and shock at the same time. 'Techno, since when did you have a daughter!?' Philza asked Techno. 'I'll explain when Tommy wakes up. Dlade, change to your normal clothes.' Techno said. Philza nodded and Dlade went to change her clothes. When she's finish changing, Philza and Ghostbur notice a very familiar clothing style she was wearing. 'Why do you look like a combination of Dream and Techno?' Ghostbur asked. Just as Ghostbur finished asking, Dream barged in the cabin. 

'Why did you kill Tubbo and Ranboo!? You exposed yourself!' Dream yelled at Dlade. 'Mom, calm down. Dad let me kill them.' Dlade told Dream. 'MOM!?' Philza said in shock while Ghostbur just didn't say anything but his mouth is open.

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