Things that really matter

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Hey you guys, I hope you are all holding up well. I just thought it would maybe be time to upload something here again, don't judge me if it's shit. Yeah, alright, I'll cut it out with the rambling and just jump right into it. Enjoy!

The air was buzzing. Flirring. Noises, voices, drops of music filled the atmosphere, pushing the mood higher and higher. Laughter spread out like bubbles, rising up and bursting at the climax. The crowd was moving, the crowd was vibing, the crowd was living.

"I swear to god if we lose each other here!" Dec had to raise his voice over the chatter of the people around him. And turned around, stopping in his tracks. "Sorry? What was that?" Dec rolled his eyes. "I said I hope we do not lose each other in here!" He pointed at the crowd around them, voice even louder now. Ant made an understanding noise. "Well, we definitely shouldn't lose each other", he agreed and offered Dec his hand. Grinning, he took it and they fought their ways through the people together.

Only when the stage came into their sight, they stopped. "Can you see?", Ant asked. Dec leaned closer towards him. "What did you say?" "I asked if you see everything!" His friend confirmed and Ant nodded contentedly. "Great. Then let's just wait for the show, huh?" Dec, again, leaned closer. "Can you repeat that?"

Ant rolled his eyes and waved it off. "Nevermind", he shouted over the background noises. Dec chuckled to himself. "Shall we get something to drink?" To play it safe, he made a gesture as if he held a glass and drank out of it. Ant raised his eyesbrows at him. "Seriously? Right now? I'm definitely not going back through this hell of a crowd!", he exclaimed. Dec shrugged. "Fine!", he replied and turned towards the stage.

It was the first concert since a long time the two of them attended together. They had almost forgotten the sparkly atmosphere that came along with it, the excited tension that pushed the people high almost as if on drugs. Both of the men started to grin involuntarily. "This is so amazing!", Dec exclaimed happily. Ant laughed. "It hasn't even started yet!", he replied. Dec shrugged. "Still!"

It wasn't an extraordinarily long wait until the pre-group stepped onstage. Immediately, the spread-out tension exploded in a wave of applause and cheers. The attention, split in the whole arena only a second ago, was now undividedly directed to the stage where the pre-group did their best to push the excitement even higher - with success.

The people vibed along and soon the worries and sorrows of everyday's life rose above their heads along with everything that kept them down and the freedom sent them flying - figuratively spoken, of course. But even with both feet still on the ground, Ant and Dec couldn't fight the feeling of freedom that washed over them. They felt young. And like this was the absolute and only right place to be right now.

For good half an hour, the pre-group grooved the audience in, then they welcomed their well-deserved applause with opened arms and made room for the actual act.

The following hours went by in a blur of way too loud music, way too many people and endless fun. The music flooded the bodies of the two best friends and whenever they took their eyes off the stage and looked at each other, their grins were brighter.

Somewhere in the middle of the show, Ant leaned down and practically shouted into Dec's ear: "Enjoying it?" Dec only nodded in response. His sparkling eyes were answer enough anyway.

Ant didn't remember when he had lastly felt so free. So alive. Side by side with his best friend, the music seemed to grow him wings and rise him above everything that was usually holding him down. He was here, he was healthy, he was alive. He wasn't alone. He was just where he was supposed to be. The thought sent a shiver down his spine. Because the feeling he was experiencing was nothing but true, pure happiness. Almost subconsciously, he reached for Dec's arm by his side and squeezed it. Dec shot him a questioning glance but was only met with a bright smile and a shake of a head. Shaking his head himself, he turned back to the band.

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