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I'm sorry, but I need to start this chapter with an a/n that could be a bit longer. But don't worry, nothing serious. I just want to celebrate (or be thankful, really), that this book just hit the 1k reads. When I started this off in May sometimes, thanks to YouTube and another Fanfic I've read, I wouldn't have dreamed about this book getting such good response, it is literally quite overwhelming. Moreover is this book on #2 in antmcpartlin and I really have no idea how we got there. So I just want to use this chapter as a big thank you to everyone of you who is with me on this exciting ride, who votes on my chapters or leaves a comment. I'm aware of that an author, especially on watty, is nothing without people reading their stuff, that's why it means so much to me. Now, as the title already says, Celebrations, the boys are celebrating too today, but not reads, they celebrate christmas (yes, I know, it is summer xD). Thank you all so much, I hope you enjoy (I have never celebrated Christmas in England so I've just written it how it would be here in Germany, hope that's okay.)

Maybe it was because a giant had tried to bake a cake and had spilled the flour. Maybe the pillows in heaven had needed to be shaken up so the feathers had flied everywhere. Maybe it was only the fact that it was December: Newcastle upon Tyne looked like covered in a thick layer of powdered sugar. On the fields and in the woods, the snow was almost untouched, only here and there one could see the footprints of someone. The streets instead were more wet than snowy because of the cars that drove there every day. And one of these cars was now pulling up in front of a house; inside of the house one could hear a dog barking excitedly as soon as the car stopped.

The driver's door opened and out stepped a man in a warm coat and with a scarf wrapped around his neck. From the passenger's seat followed a woman, her coat a bit longer, it also covered her knees, and besides a few strands of hair, her head was covered by her hat. Quite similar looked the two children who exited the backseat now, wrapping their arms around themselves as the cold winter breeze caused them to shiver. Curious, interested glances were wandering around, the man opened the trunk of the car to get out a bag.

Meanwhile, the door of the house had opened. In the frame leaned a man with slightly tousled hair and a woolen pullover. Trying his best to keep the dachshund in check, he waved the new arrivers to come in. "Now stop. Rocky, sit. Stay. That's a good boy. Now come in, man! It's bloody freezing!" The last bit was directed to the four people standing beside their car still. A woman's voice from the inside said something and the man turned around to answer. When he turned back, he found himself face to face with the small family. Letting finally go of his dog's collar, the dachshund sprinted outside excitedly, running in circles around the guests, jumping and climbing up their legs. The kids immediately crouched down to greet the cheeky guy properly and give him a cuddle.

"Can't this wait another five minutes?", the mother asked with a slightly annoyed smile. "But he is so cute", one of her girls said, looking up at her mother with big, puppy-dog-eyes. "Yes, and he is so excited to see us!", the other daughter added. The man in the doorframe chuckled. "He is excited to see his Uncle Ant", he corrected. The other man laughed at that. "Oh, so I do already have a dog as a nephew now?", he asked, causing his daughters and his girlfriend to giggle. In the hallway appeared a woman now, her hair was short and she held a towel in the one hand, a plate in the other. Obviously she was washing up at the moment. "Declan", she scolded, "were you thinking of asking them inside? Or are you just going to stay here for the rest of the day?" Grimacing slightly, Dec stepped aside to let Ant and his family finally in. "It's okay, Mam, I'll let them in this year", he joked, earning a good-natured snort from his mother.

"Have you got your bags still in your car?", Dec wanted to know while he helped to find enough space for the guest's coats and other clothing. Ant shook his head in response. "Nah, already popped in at me Mam's, left our whole luggage there except for the presents." He pointed at the bag in his hand. Noticing the curious look on his best friend's face, he laughed. "Oh no, Mr. Impatient, not until tomorrow. Where's your wife? She'll make sure that you won't touch anything." Poking him in the side, Dec took the lead and guided his guests into the comfortable living room of his parent's house. On the sofa sat another woman, she was reading a book to a toddler who was playing with a princess doll on her lap meanwhile. Looking up as the five entered, the mother had to pause her reading, because her daughter's attention was taken from her. "Uncle Ant!", she exclaimed, walking over to the arrivers as fast as her still a bit wobbly legs would allow it. With a flood of love and affection, Ant crouched down and scooped the little girl up in his arms. "Hello little Missy", he greeted her and kissed her forehead. "Looking good, are you Isla?" Taking his look from his gorgeous goddaughter over to her mother, he smiled. "You as well, Ali. Have you had a good drive?"

Ant and Dec OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now