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Weeelll... I'm a bit motivated (and bored xD) today, so I'm updating another chapter. That won't happen too often tho, I'm afraid. This is something completely different; it's like text conversations of the boys and I have no idea whether you are going to like it or not but I thought I'd give it a try. Enjoy!

Ant: Dec?

Dec: Hiya, what's up?

Ant: You know I love you, right?

Dec: Yeah...I do. Why?

Ant: I mean, like... I'd never do something that would hurt you, yeah?

Dec: What happened?

Ant: Nothing... I just want you to know that you are the best thing that ever happened to me!

Dec: Anthony McPartlin, where are you and what are you up to? You are SCARING me right now!

Ant: Why that? I just love you to bits, man

Dec: I love you too, but that's scary. Did something happen?

Dec: Ant?

Dec: That's not funny!

Dec: Shit, Ant, if you don't answer now...

[one hour later]

Ant: Oh God, I'm sorry, man, I got drunk last night and fell asleep... Still love you tho <3

Dec: I swear to God if you do this ever again I'll honestly smash your face in!


Dec: Hi, u free tonight?

Ant: Sure, what's planned?

Dec: Takeaway + Football?

Ant: Fancy, I'm in, where?

Dec: U can come over

Ant: Ok

Dec: Chinese?

Ant: Oh, not again!

Dec: Please, please? *puppy dog eyes*

Ant: Nopee (stop using asterisks)

Dec: *furrowing brows, pouting* No! Chinese! *grins*

Ant: I think I'll stay at home...

Dec: Oh come ooon, man! Pizza?

Ant: Alright, I'm over in 20!


Ant: where r u?

Dec: Sorryyy, needed to changes Isla's nappy, I'll set off now!

[five minutes later]

Ant: I still can't see u, are u ok?

Dec: Yeahh, sry, I'll set off now!

Ant: Wait, you are still at home?

[five minutes later]

Dec: I need another 5, sorry

[ten minutes later]

Ant: I'm slightly worried, are u ok?

Dec: yeah, almost there now

[five minutes later]

Dec: I'm here! where r u?

Ant: Umm... in the restaurant? As we said?

Dec: Ohhh... we weren't meeting at urs?

Ant: Are u seriousely at mine now?!

Dec: ...

Ant: Oh Dec...


Dec: Why are bluefish called bluefish? They are not even blue...

Ant: Are u okay?

Dec: I'm serious, why do they call them bluefish? Who gave them this name?

Ant: I don't know, Dec. And I don't mind either, to be honest

Dec: But the poor lil bluefish maybe want to be called greyfish. or silverfish

Ant: Have u been drinking?

Dec: only a bit... why do you call bluetooth bluetooth? or blueprints blueprints? Why is language so confusingg

Ant: I think you should be called blue Dec if you keep on drinking! Put the phone and your drink away and go to sleep now!

Dec: Nohoohoooooooo

Dec: Ant, here is Ali. Sorry about that, the little'uns in bed now. He'll have a hangover tomorrow, I'm sure...


Ant: Where's my hoodie I bought a week ago? Yk, the blue one? dark blue? have u seen it?

Dec: where would I see ur hoodie

Ant: Idk, i wore it yesterday when u were here, i thought u might remember where I put it to go to sleep

Dec: wait a sec

Dec: Oh

Dec: I'll bring it tomorrow, I promise!

Ant: What?

Dec: I mighht have accidently... like, taken it with me this morning as I left?

Ant: You stole my hoodie?

Dec: I didn't steal it, I ... borrowed it

Ant: Yeah, I see, just bring it tomorrow, will ya

Dec: Maybe I'm keeping it, it's comfy

Ant: Don't u dare...!


Dec: Ant?

Dec: Are u up?

Ant: What's up? It's past midnight

Dec: m sorry

Ant: what happened?

Dec: don't want to bother u

Ant: You don't bother me, spill the tea, will ya?

Dec: Honestly? it's late and u need sleep...

Ant: nightmare?

Dec: ... yeah...

Ant: give me a few minutes, i can come over

Dec: no! u don't need to, honestly, I just need someone to talk...

Ant: I'm on my way, stay where u are

Dec: ... I love you <3


Ant: Open the dooorrr

Dec: Why?

Ant: U see when u open ittt

Dec: can't I'm not at home

Ant: :( where r u?

Dec: Hold onn, are u at mine?

Ant: standing in front of ur house, yeah. and it's cold by the way. supposed to be a surprise

Dec: oh lord... lol

Ant: what's so funny?

Dec: I'm at urs at the moment... wanted to surprise u too!

Ant: ur kidding!

Dec: sadly not xD

Ant: lmao, alright, I'll come back. stay where u are!

Dec: :D c u

Sooo, tell me if u liked it or if not <3

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