Special - Help

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"Can you please come and get me?"


Some days are simply cursed to go wrong. This kind of days where you either oversleep or get up with the wrong foot and everything that follows is a complete catastrophe.

Such a day was experienced by Anthony McPartlin. He hadn't overslept luckily, but that really was the only positive thing to say. Looking back he wondered how he hadn't known earlier that this day would be a disaster. At the latest when he had stupped his toe whilst getting out of bed - something that woke him up much quicker that a cold shower.

Ant had thought while he had had his breakfast that in these TV soaps, he would spill his coffee over his shirt now, so he needed to get changed. That hadn't happened, but while brushing his teeth he had spilled the toothpaste so the result stayed the same: He needed to get changed.

The delay caused by that had brought him directly into the rushhour what had had as a consequence that he had been too late for his meeting.

Speeking of which - it couldn't have been more boring. More than once he had been told off because he hadn't listened properly and he had been only too happy to escape the meeting as soon as it had finished.

He had stepped out of the building to find that it rained and not only a bit. Within seconds, Ant had been completely soaked and had started to wish that he could simply restart the day.

In a miserable mood, he was now on his way back home, fighting himself over the jam-full highway. To top everything, Dec hadn't been with him all day. Ali was sick and Isla seemed to come down with something too, so he had taken the little girl to the doctor instead of attending the meeting.

Ant sighed. The rain was still falling, drumming a fast beat onto his car and blurring the sight out the window. His windscreen wipers worked on full power and yet the raindrops were still faster. The street was wet and shimmering with water, the backlights of the cars formed a red fog to drive through.

Impatiently, Ant's fingers tapped onto the steering wheel. He wanted anything but just getting home fast. That seemed to be impossible though, at least the aspect fast, because the cars were moving so slow that one'd probably be faster walking.

Cursing the rushhour, Ant decided to drive off the highway as soon as possible and take the smaller but hopefully emptier streets back home. That would definitely be a detour, but compared with the traffic on the highway he would still be faster that way.

Endless minutes later, Ant finally set the turning signal and pulled out of the long line of cars onto the way less crowded small street.

As soon as he had left the highway in a good distance behind, the light started to get less until Ant's frontlights were almost the only light source. It wasn't really late but thanks to the clouds it seemed to be almost night.

Ant yawned. How much he wished to only get home and on the sofa and forget everything to do with this horrible day. Suddenly, his car started sliding a bit on the wet street, loosing the grip on the pavement for a second only. Immediately, Ant slowed down, his heart racing as if he had run a marathon. Really slow, he continued his journey while his heartbeat slowly calmed down and his hands stopped shaking.

A few minutes everything went well, then the car suddenly slowed down even more. Ant frowned. He had just started to drive a bit faster again and he was definitely not braking. And yet, the car was still continuing to slow down.

Ant shot an alarmed glance through the vehicle - and then the problem literally jumped in his face. The light signal that showed him that he needed to refuel was shining brightly red.

"Shit!" The curse that left the man's lips came from his deepest heart. He was kind of in the middle of nowhere and a petrol station was definitely nowhere to see. "Shit!", Ant repeated, a bit louder this time, but that didn't help either.

All he could do was steering the car to the side of the road so he wouldn't block the whole traffic.

There he stood now, the rain still falling steadily and with no sign to fade in the next minutes or even hours. And suddenly, Ant felt the really childish urge to simply bury his face in his hands and cry. How much could a human being take before breaking down? How much could go wrong on one single day?

Ant didn't know and he didn't want to know either. All he wanted was going home for God's sake! And now he stood here in a car without petrol in the rain. Frustrated, Ant's fist met the steering wheel, but that caused nothing but a stinging pain in his right hand.

"Fuck it. Fuck this stupid day!" But cursing didn't help either. Nothing would help except for a spell that would make his car work again. Or at least someone to pick him up.

Staring into the darkness that slowly started to creep up at the edges of the horizont, this thought slowly but surely formed in Ant's head. Someone to pick him up. Maybe there was actually someone who could pick him up.

Ant's fingers trembled ever so slightly as he dialed Dec's number by heart and waited impatiently for him to pick up his phone.

"Donnelly?" The voice of his best mate sounded exhausted and a part of Ant felt guilty for shaking his friend up once again. Having two sick girls at home probably wasn't really relaxed.

"Hi Dec." He cursed his voice for the slight quiver as he quickly rushed through his stupid situation. "... and now I'm broken down in the middle of nowhere. Can you please come and get me?"

A soft chuckle was the response. "What are you always doing, huh?", Dec asked, but he wasn't making fun. "Where exactly are you? I'll set off as soon as possible, but I have to bring Isla so it could take a moment."

Ant exhaled in relief. Knowing his best friend on the way calmed his racing thoughts and stressed nerves. "Doesn't matter", he quickly said, "just glad you're coming. Thanks!"

They said goodbye and hung up. As soon as the line was empty, Ant felt really alone out of a sudden. The car seemed twice as quiet and twice as empty as before and the darkness and rain around him twice as uncomfortable.

To kill time, he started singing along with the songs on the radio how Dec and him used to do it when they were driving somewhere on their own. Somewhere after the fourth song, Ant stopped counting and simply used the music to drown out everything around him.

That caused him to flinch even a bit when suddenly someone knocked on the window. Ant jolted up, ready to defend himself, when he noticed Dec. Lowering his fist slowly, Ant opened the door. "Hi. Thanks for coming", he greeted with wobbly voice. For a moment, the two friends only looked at each other, then Dec started giggling and soon they both were in fits of laughter.

"This whole day is so ridiculously stupid", Ant laughed and wiped his eyes before getting out of his car into the rain. "What do we do with my car now?"

After talking back and forth a bit they decided to leave it where it was because it wasn't blocking the street and return tomorrow (with hopefully better weather) to refuel it.

Ant and Dec walked side to side through the rain that was still not showing a sign of getting slower, over to Dec's car. Ant surprised Dec with not opening the passenger's door as expected but taking a seat on the backseat.

"What are you doing?", Dec asked confused. Ant met his eyes in the mirror and grinned cheekily. "I'm sitting with my wonderful goddaughter, of course", he explained and tickled Isla under her chin. The little girl looked tired, but she still smiled when she recognized her godfather.

Dec raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I see? So I'm playing chauffeur for your two?" Ant chuckled and buckled his seat belt. "Exactly." Grinning, Dec shook his head and started the car. "Better be careful or I'm not picking you up the next time that happens!"

Ant grinned too. "As if you'd leave me in my car over night", he teased. Dec quickly looked back over his shoulder and met Ant's eyes for a split second. "You're right", he replied softly, "I wouldn't do that."

Ant answered with a grateful smile; then he leaned back and closed his eyes. The end of this day could've been definitely worse - if you compared it to the beginning at least.

Ant and Dec OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now