Lean on me

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Helloo, beautiful people out there! We are so, so close to 2k! I am surely annoying! And I'm in a good mood, ignore the exclamation marks! (Oh God, okay, sorry, I try and calm down a bit.) What I wanted to say, this is another kind of song fiction, not really long because if we hit the 2k either today or tomorrow (i hope we do) there's gonna be a day with updates every hour (would you be up to that?). Okay, rambled enough, italics are the lyrics of the song (Lean on me) and I obviously don't own them. Enjoy!

Sometimes in our lives we all have pain, we all have sorrow. But if we are wise we know that there's always tomorrow.

Ant looked up. The small radio on the private plane played on a really gentle level, barely audible and yet loud enough to understand every so softly sung word. The judges plus Ant and Dec had gotten into one of Simon's private planes after BGT had ended and now they were all relaxedly flying over England.

Lean on me when you're not strong and I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on. For it won't be long 'til I need somebody to lean on.

Amanda and Alesha, who had been absorbed in a low-voiced conversation, looked up as a soft voice joined the song. Ant turned his head to his left and met Dec's eyes. A soft smile played at the corners of his best friend's mouth as his voice melted into the voice of Bill Withers on the radio. And for a split second he felt beamed back into another time where Dec and him had sung exactly this song together in their flat. It had been a rainy November morning and they had turned on their radio while eating breakfast. Ant remembered how Dec had dropped his knife, how he had grinned a slight bit mischieviously and how he had gotten up to start dancing around the small table. Ant remembered how he had admired Dec's voice, that was a perfect match to the voice of Bill Withers. And he remembered, how he had eventually joined in. They had danced through their small kitchen, not caring if anybody would see them through the window. It had been in another time, another life, and only hearing this song was enough to take Ant back to then. And a look in Dec's eyes told him, that he felt exactly the same.

Please swallow your pride if I have things you need to borrow for no one can fill those of your needs that you won't let show.

Ant grinned at this line. Dec tended to excuse everything he took from Ant with it - "I just swallowed my pride because you have things I need to borrow. It's not easy for me but I've finally decided to do it" - and Ant had eventually accepted that some of his things would suspiciously disappear because Dec had swallowed his pride again.

You just call on me brother, when you need a hand, we all need somebody to lean on. I just might have a problem that you'll understand, we all need somebody to lean on.

Quietly, as if he wasn't really sure about it, Ant joined his friend singing. This was their favourite part of the song, especially the line with "brother." And whenever they would listen to this song together, they'd lock eyes at this particular part of the song. Today was no exception. Accepting that the judges were able to watch them now, they sang along with the song together.

Lean on me when you're not strong and I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on. For it won't be long 'til I need somebody to lean on.

A shiver ran down Ant's spine and he unconsciously searched for Dec's hand. Their fingers linked and Ant squeezed Dec's hand lightly. The small space between them was covered as Dec leaned against Ant, shoulders touching, eyes closed, listening to the wonderful melody coming from the radio.

You just call on me brother, when you need a hand, we all need somebody to lean on. I just might have a problem that you'll understand, we all need somebody to lean on. If there is a load you have to bear that you can't carry, I'm upright the road, I'll share your load if you just call me.

All eyes were on the lovely pair by now. They didn't seem to notice, at least they acted like they didn't notice. As the song faded and the news came on instead, Simon switched the radio off. Shaken awake by the sudden silence, Ant and Dec looked up and into four smiling faces.

"That was amazing", Alesha stated as the first one to break the silence. The boys grinned sheepishly and shrugged it off, but internally they felt exactly the same - it had been amazing. Not their singing voices maybe, but the feeling very certainly had. It would always be. Because they'd always have each other to lean on.

Okay, that was actually really short, I know. But I thought it would be kinda cute. Stay safe everyone!

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