Helping out

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before I start this one I just want to say a quick thanks for 193 reads, I really appreciate that. Also thanks for the votes and the comments I get, this really means the world to me and motivates me so much! Feel free to write any requests, I'll try my best ;) lots of love, HH


Anthony McPartlin was bored. They had just finished this year's episode of Saturday Night Takeaway and until they had to start something new it was still a bit of time. Of course there'd be meetings and preparations, endless afternoons and nights of talking and talking and talking, writing scripts, collecting ideas, getting in touch with people they needed to help... the stuff that the public was able to see on the telly was just one half of the job as a TV-presenter, that was clear. But at the moment, there weren't really things to do and Ant was bored out of his mind. His girlfriend had decided to have this weekend with her friends to have some catch-up-quality-time and Poppy and Daisy were at their Dad's. Of course they loved Ant as their stepdad and their biological father was really happy with Ant being the new choice of Anne-Marie, but nevertheless, the girls still wanted to see their "real" Dad and Ant could understand this too well.

So, he was sitting all alone in his big living room, the puppies were sleeping in a corner and he had literally nothing to do. He picked up his phone and started scrolling through social media, smiling at some funny pictures and reading some of the comments on Dec's and his latest post. Then, he suddenly had an idea. When he hadn't got anything to do, why shouldn't he call his best friend? Maybe they could meet up and have a relaxed afternoon? He was already looking for his contact when he suddenly remembered something. Maybe he should call Dec's landline number, just in case he was out with Ali. He definitely didn't want to disturb a date between them just because he called Dec's phone! And if no one picked up at their home, then he wouldn't be able to come over anyways. So he dialed the Donnelly's landline number and waited impatiently for the tooting in the line to stop.

"Donnelly?" The voice of Dec's wife Ali was muted and quite breathless, as if she had hurried to pick up the phone. Ant smiled. "Hello Ali, Ant here." He could literally see her smile when she answered: "Ant, nice to hear from you! What's up?" Ant stood up, he always wandered around the house when he was speaking to someone on the phone. His sister Sarha tended to tease him about that occasionally. "I just wondered if I could come over, no one's at mine today, girls are out." The line was silent for a short while, then Ali seemed to have an idea. "Actually, Ant that would be great. I really need to do some shopping, we have literally nothing in our fridge except of some eggs and milk, but I can't leave here because" - she chuckled slightly - "I've got two babies soundly asleep on the sofa. Dec's completely shattered, Isla's been quite exhausting the last nights, he's had barely any sleep. But I can't leave them alone. So, if you came over, had an eye on the little'un..."

Ant couldn't help but grin. "Sure thing, pet, I'll be at yours as fast as I can, just have to let the puppies into the garden for a wee, then I'll set out." Even though she still spoke quietly to not wake her family, Ali's relief was very audible. "Thanks a thon, Ant, I'll make it up to you." Ant chuckled. "No need to, it's a pleasure. See you in twenty!"


Exactly twenty minutes later, Ant pulled out the general keys of Dec's apartement. They both had a key for the others house ever since they had moved into different houses, just in case. And Ali knew that, that was why she wasn't frightened when the front door suddenly opened but simply waved into the hallway and grabbed her shopping bag and the car keys. Then, she went to hug Ant quickly. "Thanks again, I appreciate that a lot. I might be away a while, traffic must be terrible and I need a lot of things. I think you know where everything is, just help yourself." Ant thanked her and reassured her once again that everything would be fine. Then she closed the door behind her and Ant walked into the living room.

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