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Hello fellow Wattpadship out there, it's been a while. I just found the time to browse through a bunch of AaD stuff again today and it gave me quite nostalgia thinking about how it is already almost two years since I discovered them first, started writing about them and everything. I remember saying to myself that although I might not always be that 100% full-blood fan I have been at the time, they'll always stay idols for me, and that thought didn't fail me. I know I'm not so active here anymore and I also have a lot of other stuff going on in my life that I am passionate and fangirling about, but looking all those videos and reading the fanfic's back kind of gave me a feeling of home. I still do adore this fandom and their friendship which also is kind of the frame for the oneshot today. It's not like the other ones in this book, but maybe just flow with it and let me know what you think.

Stay safe all you lovely people out there. Times are rough and surely bringing out a lot of not so nice stuff, but we cannot give up hope now. I'm with everyone of you in my heart. Stay safe.

Friendship. Friendship is a word used so often. Happens quickly, calling someone a friend, just because anything else would be too hard to explain - it's someone I work with, we get along and talk a lot but we never found the time to hang out and probably it would be awkward to hang out as well, yet we get on well and I maybe get them something for their brithday - quite a difficult explanation. Just call them a friend. Doesn't have to be a close friend or your best friend, but the word friend, everyone knows what to do with it.

But is that true? Is the word friend so easy to explain? What actually is a friend? What is friendship? And isn't friendship just a weaker kind of love?

I am no philosophist. And I am aware of that nobody can find one final answer to the questions above. It's subjective, everyone's got a different view on that. But for me, friendship is no weaker kind of love. Friendship is probably one of the strongest kinds of love the span of human emotions is even able to offer.

Friendship is the kind of feeling of getting home after a long day out in the cold. A feeling that makes you feel wanted and needed and loved, not like you need to change anything about yourself. That makes you feel appreciated, your company is enjoyed, admired, needed. A friend is a person who gives you that kind of feeling. The feeling that you can be proud of yourself by being just who you are. A friend is a person who smiles just because you're there, for whom you don't need to dress up or get fancy, someone who doesn't make a difference between an amazing glamourus look or sweatpants. A friend is someone who doesn't complain about you ordering the same takeaway for the millionth time, someone who is well aware of your tempers, can handle them and doesn't take them personal. Someone you can bicker with without feeling like you need to apologize for every word.

A friend is someone that you can spend your time with and no matter how exciting or boring the activity is, the time you spend together is quality time. A friend is someone for whom you'd try things you'd never try on your own. Who teaches you stuff. Who is proud of all these little successes and makes them feel like they are bigger than you thought. A friend makes you feel bigger than you thought. A friend gives you a whole new sense of worth and appreciation.

A friend is someone who you can also argue with. You don't need to share an opinion on everything, you can discuss and disagree, you can shout at each other and fight, you can be upset with each other and disappointed, but you are willing to fight for each other as well. A friend won't give you up just because times are hard. A friend will need some space. A friend will tell you when they can't have you around or when you hurt them, they will tell you to leave them alone for a bit, maybe they'll block you out. But they won't just drop you. They will find the time and the courage and the voice to talk to you and get unsaid things said and undone things done and clear the table. A friend is someone you are willing to fight and give your last for. Someone you don't need to touch or to see but it only needs to hear their voice, read their words to make your whole day a bit brighter.

A friend is someone to hold you tight, to pull you close, to take your hand. And your bodies seem to fit into each other just perfectly. They make you feel comfortable, not only physically but mentally. They give you the space you need and wouldn't want to hurt you on purpose. A friend is all of this and a lot more, and for sure, everyone will have a different view on what a good friend needs to be. But one thing is for sure and certain: A good friend makes you happy.

So, is it really that easy? 'Cause obviously listed description won't fit 100% to every friend one might have. That's not necessary. But the word friend is just a wonderful word to say all these things. Hey, you make me feel loved. You make me vulnerable but in a good kind of way, you make me feel appreciated. You make me laugh. You are able to open up my shell. I know that you won't pressure me if I need time. Friend. You are my friend. It seems so easy, yet means so much, goes so deep under the skin, right into the heart.

Friends can write books together. They can go on holidays together or act in the same TV cast, they can share a favourite TV show and the same job, they can share their favourite meal and know each other's takeaway orders by heart. But they don't have to. Friends can meet one day, bump into each other, and fall for the way the other person talks. They can hate the favourite book of the other one and mock them about their favourite film. It doesn't matter. There is no recipe for a perfect friendship. Maybe the perfect friendship doesn't exist. But a friendship does one thing: It creates memories. Things that one couldn't have imagine to happen - ever, yet it does happen. Things that might seem so horrible when they are happening, embarrassing, awful, but after years one looks back at it and is like - hey, remember that time you burnt your feet?

The point that I'm aiming at is - friendship, a beautiful thing. A thing that fills our lives and in my opinion the most wonderful kind of love. Too often taken for granted. Too rarely fully appreciated. So maybe it's just time to say thank you. Thanks to an amazing person who does all the things listed above (okay, not all of them, maybe...). Thanks to a friend.

Dec put the letter down. A silent teardrop escaped his eye and ran down his cheek. He smiled brightly, a bit melancholic, but genuine. The happy feeling in his chest seemed to crush his heart with love, if that made any sense. It were moments like these. Gestures like these, a simple letter without any other sign or hint, just a letter on his doormat, that made him remember how blessed he was. His first impulse was to text Ant. Text him, thank him for the letter. Looking at their previous text conversations made him smile. So many things connected to his friend made him smile. There it was again. Friend. Best friend. A word he had used so often to describe Ant, only now really considering its meaning.

The paper tightly clutched in his hand, Dec closed the messenger service and opened his phone contact list instead. Ant was pinned as a favourite. Another of these tiny little signs. With his smile still bright, he pressed call. The voice at the other end of the line greeted him with warmth and a tiny bit of concern because he was calling in the middle of the day.

"Hey", he greeted back. "I just... I thought about a good ol'school chat, maybe?" His smile grew more tender, more loving as he waited for the answer. He looked at the familiar handwriting on the letter before putting it down and getting into a more comfortable position. "Yes, all settled", he said. His head rested against the backrest of the couch. Everything was okay. For this moment, everything was alright.

I don't even know what this is, it's a mix of fanfic and... idk, philosophical, poetic nonsense, I guess xD? You might like it or not, I'm not 100% sure whether I completely like it myself, but I kind of needed to get this words said as they came to my mind and wouldn't leave the whole day. As already said, keep yourself going and safe. Someone out here is thinking of you. It'll be okay eventually, whatever it is. Stay safe.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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