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Staying in a hotel was fun. Especially, if you stayed there not for work but for holidays, a few days of relaxing and enjoying yourself before getting back to the stressful everyday life. Staying in this hotel with your best friend was cool. Being on holidays with your best friend in any case. There was this old saying Luck is the only thing that doubles up if you share it and that was definitely true. Together with your best friend, everything was great. Well, okay, not everything. But at least everything was better. And if you stayed in a hotel, together with your best friend, for holidays, you rooms next to each other with just a door in between - then you could fairly call it perfect.

That were thoughts circling through Declan Donnelly's mind on this surprisingly warm september evening. His best friend Ant and him had a bit time off from work these days and they had used this opportunity to go and have some quality time together. With them becoming parents - not biologial in Ant's case but still - the priorities of their lives had slightly changed. Beside working and planning their shows and all the stuff that came with their job, they suddenly haved privat duties they'd never had in the 31 years of friendship before. It had been strange, to be honest, for both of them. They were used to call each other at every day and night time (even though nobody who wanted to live a long life would call Dec at night if it wasn't an emergency) or even just pop up at each other's houses to socialize and spend time together. This had already chaged a bit when Ant had first got married to Lisa and had moved a few streets away but since Dec had bought a house in the same street, nothing had really changed for them. But now, things were different. The first big difference was that Ant had moved eight miles away to Wimbledon - Dec had understood it, he really had, but it hadn't been easy. He had to drive about twenty minutes, sometimes even half an hour to meet Ant and Ant had drive as long to meet him, so a spontaneus visit wasn't really possible anymore. They called each other a lot and they also texted, but that wasn't the same. Moreover, Dec was having a toddler at home. Isla was the cutest and most lovely child in the world, that was for sure, but dealing with her occassional tempers and moods was exhausting. Dec had to be available around the clock, also to relieve his wife, what caused him to be really tired during some days. And sometimes it happened that the boys didn't see each other for weeks, except for work of course.

So, when they had been told that they could have a few days off before the preparations for I'm a Celeb had to begin, they had been more than happy. Ali and Anne-Marie had both agreed that the boys needed some time an their own, just the two of them, and even though Ant and Dec had tried to convince them to come with them, the two women had refused. "Anne-Marie and I can have some catch up time together and believe me, we do have enough stuff to do", Ali had said. The explanation for Anne-Marie had been even easier: Poppy and Daisy, her two daughters, still had school and couldn't simply go on holidays. That had been the point where the boys had given in and decided to go alone. And deep on the inside they both were grateful for that possibility to finally have some time together again - just the two of them and nobody in between.

Ant and Dec had arrived at their hotel yesterday evening and thanks to the exhausting journey they had gone to sleep immediately. After sleeping really long this morning, they had explored the area, had eaten in a nearby restaurant and had talked a lot. And for both of them, the day couldn't have been any better, they agreed on that. In the late afternoon, they had determined that they still needed to catch up on some sleep, so after a relaxed dinner and a calm chat with the telly in the background in Ant's room, they had decided to have an early night so they would have enough energy for the next days. Dec had gone to his room and there he was now lying on his bed and reflecting the day. It had been great, having Ant for himself, he had to admit. After the massive insecurities over the past years it had been a relief to see that he was still the major priority in Ant's life and that their friendship was still as good as before - if not even better. Dec decided that he lay awake for definitely too long now and that it really was time to go to sleep, when he became aware of soft noises from the room next door. The man frowned thinking he might have imagined that, but no, there again. It sounded as if somebody was talking. What made him frown even more was that it was a woman's voice. What would a woman do in Ant's room?

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