I'm looking out for a hero til the end of the night

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Just a quick thank you to all the amazing people here on watty who support me and my stories <3 To all the readers here who also read "Flames", I decided now to keep it going a bit but I will probably have a short update break to get ideas in my head so it won't be boring or stuff.

The title of this chapter is a lyric from a song the name of which I forgot (;-P), I just want to say, I don't own this lyric. Anyway. Thanks for reading and enjoy! <3

Ant wasn't sure whether he liked it to be alone at home or not. There were days where he simply hated it, where the house was too big and the empty rooms too quiet and where he was just longing for company. And then there were days where it couldn't give anything better than being alone at home. Nobody would disturb one's activities and one could be alone with thoughts and wishes. Today was such a day.

Ant watched telly, the recorded football game from yesterday. Sadly, he had already heard the end score, so it wasn't half as tense as usual, but fun to watch was it nevertheless. "Come one!", he encouraged the Newcastle player who was running the ball over to the goal. He already knew that he wouldn't get this point, but without senseless shouting and yelling, football wasn't half as funny. Half time break was announced and Ant reached out for the remote to spool the break away when his phone suddenly rang. He sighed and put the remote away, grabbing his phone instead. The display showed a picture of Dec who was pulling a face towards the camera. Immediately, Ant started to grin and his heart got light.

"Hiya, Dec!", he greeted as soon as he had picked up. "Ant?" The sound of Dec's voice made Ant flinch. The normally cheerful, cheeky voice was heavy now, Dec sounded like on the verge of tears. Even though Dec was older, Ant always felt like looking out for him. It had been like that ever since they had been teenagers and Ant knew that voice too well. It meant that something really bad must have happened. The slight quiver in the voice, the breaking point at the end of every sentence - this voice shook awake all parental feelings in Ant.

"Dec, what happened? Are you okay?", he asked, worry bubbling up like lemonade powder. "Yes... no... it's not me, it's... it's Isla", Dec answered, voice threatening to break. At the sound of his goddaughter's name, every tocsin in Ant's head started to ring. "What's wrong with the little'un?", he asked, trying to ban the sorrow from his voice to not unsettle Dec even more.

"I don't really know, I think she might be sick, she is... not really crying, it's more like whimpering, I think something hurts but I can't tell what and I think she has got a fever as well but I don't know for sure and Ali is not here and her phone is switched off and I just don't know what to do now!" By now it really sounded like Dec was crying and that pulled Ant out of his shock that had overcome him during Dec's explaination. "Hey, hey, hey, take it easy, kidda", he said with the softest voice he could manage. "Try and stay calm, I know that's easy to say but you have to try, okay? Stay where you are, I'm on my way."

The strangled sob that came through the line made Ant's heart break. "Thank you", Dec whispered before hanging up. Ant was already on his way out of the house.


A few minutes later, Ant's car pulled up in front of Dec's house. Ant had brought the key to Dec's house so he could let himself in and wouldn't have to hurry Dec. "Don't worry, it's me", he stated as soon as he entered the house so Dec wouldn't mistake him for a burglar. He made quick work of his shoes and jacket and eventually entered the living room where he found Dec sitting on the sofa.

His appearence was a slight shock. Dec's face was blotchy and red, especially his eyes. Tear stains were visible and he was shaking ever so slightly. It was obvious that he had cried after he had called Ant, maybe even beforehand. "Oh Deccy", Ant said softly and settled down next to him. Usually, he would have taken his best friend into his arms, but Dec was carrying Isla, holding her close to his chest, and Ant definitely didn't want to crush her. So he just placed a hand on his best mate's shoulder, trying and hoping to give him some comfort and support.

Ant and Dec OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now