Special - Care

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Soo, last part of this ten days of updating! I have to admit I had kinda fun and I hope you had too. What was ur favorite part? I want to thank you for staying so well behind and even though I could thank you all personally I need to send a special thanks to CaramelPenguin and shyanekeller who were there literally every time I updated and always are so wonderful and amazingly supportive. Love you all!x
"I'm not scared of thunder, that's silly - "


Going camping had seemed to be such a good idea.
A relaxed weekend in the nature, not much to do, not much money to spend. It sounded like a dream.

It had also started like a dream. Okay, putting the tent together had been complicated and Dec had already suggested to simply book a hotel. But eventually they had managed it and that had been the perfect start to their holiday.

It might be for only one weekend, three days, but that was completely worth it. The weather had been great and Ant and Dec had had great fun whilst doing nothing but chatting and maybe going for a walk together.

They both usually tended to be happy when they were working, not at all people who enjoyed doing nothing. But it had been a surprisingly appreciated change of events, even though they probably wouldn't do something like that that often.

Sunday evening now, the last night in their tent, dark clouds were hanging over them. Quite literally.

"Seems like there's something coming tonight", Ant stated with a frown, glancing up to the big, dark clouds that came closer from the edge of the horizont.

Dec followed his best friend's gaze. "Would it be safer to pack up and leave earlier?", he asked concerned, the clouds really looked bad. Ant swayed his head. He had thought about that too, but the clouds were quite far away still. Probably the thunderstorm wasn't even reaching them.

"Let's wait", he decided, "now that we know how to do it, the tent is packed up quickly and I don't think these clouds are even reaching us."

Dec wasn't too sure, but he didn't want to leave already either, so he agreed.

They had their dinner, the last bit of food they had taken, and sat a bit in front of their tent then.

The nights before, they had watched the stars often, one night there had been shooting stars a lot. But today, not even a single normal star was visible.

"Let's maybe get inside", Ant proposed after a while, it started to get cold. Dec just nodded and they crawled into their sleeping bags.

"Let's have an early night, we need to get up early after all", Dec mumbled and Ant agreed. They wished each other a good night and enjoyed the feeling of sleeping in a tent for the last time.

Falling asleep wasn't easy. Dec's mind was circling around the dark threatening clouds that were probably hanging right above them now and the possible thunderstorm they were bringing.

But some time he must have fallen asleep, because when he woke up again he heard big, heavy raindrops falling onto the tent.

The second thing he noticed was that he was freezing. And after a moment or two he could tell that the cause of this were breezes of wind that were shaking the tent, the cold air crawling into their sleeping bags, making them shiver.

Dec groaned, eyes threatening to fall closed again, when a dark rumble cut the silence.

Immediately, he was wide awake. It was dark around him, but suddenly a flash of light showed the silhouettes of him and Ant in the tent.

Ant and Dec OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now