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Holaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Readers!

Intro first, kay~

Author back from anxiety named emotion


As usual Author bringing a new chapter~

Are you happy??????

Sowwyyyy for the slow update, too many thing to be done

And life is a bit meany to Author

But alas, we have to enjoy this

Boboiboy is owned by Monsta

"Be quite": talking

'I wonder': thinking

"Energy!": someone talking in projection



Heavy silent overcome the room. Solar brain is furiously thinking of the situation that he is facing. Terak'ka answer makes his assumption change a little bit.

"You know... my bro-brother... he is not like this. He was a ki-kind man full of passion. He lik-like to help and pro-protect for those in need. He was fa-famous around the galaxies as som-someone who will land a hand. Ever-everyone like him. Even Hang Kasa was pro-proud having such a good fri-friend like him"At hearing the name of Hang Kasa Solar attention is solely on Terak'ka.

"Hang Kasa is our best friend. We always adve-adventuring through the galaxies tog-together until we me-meet the power sphere and every-everything goes downhill from there" Terak'ka didn't want to remember the hurtful memory, but he have to. He has to tell this to Solar as he is the only one who he believe can stop his brother.

"We fo-found two power sphere. Sinarbot and Kristalbot. Sinarbot ,give Sunlight ele-element to my brother while Moonlight element t-to me. Kristalbot al-allow Hang Kasa to use the ele-elements of Crystal. On the con-contrary before my brother ac-accept the Sunlight power he has another power source. He is the hol-holder of Absorption power. He co-could absorb the po-power of nature and ma-make it as his weapon. But the dura-duration of using it is too short and that's the rea-reason of his exile"

'Absorption power!'


"Our kinds aren't sup-supposed to carry po-powers. In our folk-folklore whoever born with power, he or she sho-should be exiled. Be-because it will bring harm to ever-everyone"

"And so your brother is exiled...... What about you?"

"I don't have anyone........ he is the only one I have. So I cho-choose to be exiled with him" A faint smile appeared on Terak'ka. Solar is touched. He would do the same thing for his brother, but not the absorption part.

"He ma-master the power of Sunlights very ef-efficiently, yet I'm still not go-good at using my own power.." Terak'ka feel ashamed at himself.

"At that time, we we-were the only light user that exist. You have to know, many pe-people were eyeing our power. We cons-constantly on the run. Even wh-when we're hunted, we still ha-have the time to help. My bro-brother always pro-protecting me from them. Then we meet a stra-strange alien named Kuwalik", Terak'ka purposely stressed the name. Solar understand what Terak'ka wanted to inform.

"Listen, um.......?" Terak'ka comically tilt his head. He doesn't know the name of the person beside him.

"Solar, my name is Solar. Sorry I forgot to introduce myself" says Solar sheepishly. Well, he is just being precaution, okay~

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