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OwO Heyyyyyyyyyooooooooooo Readers~

Author has appeared in this book!

The end of the year is nearing

Author hope you have a nice year with Fight!

Boboiboy is owned by Monsta

"Forever in Time": Talking

'A long time is eternity': Thinking



Faintly, Solar was able to gain his consciousness. It is getting harder to wake up, and he actually needs help waking up by sending a sharp pain to alert his brain, which he hopes will not become daily.

"W-what?!" His body wanted to jolt, yet there was no energy to do that.

"I'm sorry!"

That voice again, that timid voice that would hide for the simplest anger and displeasure.


"I-I'm sorry...."

"I was having a nice sleep...." His slurred voice made Terak'ka's face more worried.

"You're sleeping lo-longer than you're supposed to! I'm wor-worried that you will not wake up!"

That sure makes Solar's muzzy brain start generating information.

"I'm not gonna die in this shady place! Even more being the first victim of this megalomaniac villain! I prefer to die being a hero! My name will be remembered through generations!"

Terak'ka sighs in relief and feels self-pity after hearing that. The fact that this human still has that energy to insult him (as the victim in this one century accompanying his crazy brother) and think that far easing him.

"Though I don't want to die young..."

"No one wanted to die young... to many things that we want to experience."

He, too, wished the same thing. The alien wished that his brother had never become like this, that they might enjoy life to the fullest and maybe make friends with these humans.

"Yo-your brother will save you. I be-believe in your brother"

Solar's blurred vision saw Terak'ka's face. A face that wanted to be free from this torment. That he is so tired and just wants to rest.

Solar chose to direct his eyes somewhere else and choose another topic.

"What's happened?"

"You don't remember? You---"

Terak'ka's voice dimmed, exchanged by an outburst of screams, pain, blood, pain, gore, a body part, hurt, memory flashed in to his mind. Solar convulsed and wanted to throw up.

"Solar, calm down! Everything is okay, Solar!"

"Everything is not okay! How could you---"

This time, a memory that he doesn't recognize appears. A memory of his brothers and friends fighting against him. No. against his power. They are terrified. They are injured. Ying and his plushie-loving brother almost died.

His power almost killed them.

Solar's blood freezes at the amount of damage that he has created. At the number of victims that have fallen to his powers. More than Vargoba, and that is already bad.

"... what have I done?"


Little Whalphy is curious. It found this sharp, shining object. Its color is mostly neon yellow with black as the body. The object let out a familiar smell, a familiar warm. It chomp the thing and brought to it Mama. Maybe Mama will let it play with this things?

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