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Author is back!



As usual Author put this chapter here and then off to the sky~

I hope that Readers is still with Author

Author apreciate your patience on this fanfiction

Anyway~ go read this chapter!

Boboiboy is owned by Monsta

"Told you": Talking

'Duck!': Thinking

"Run rampage!" : Someone talking in projection



Now is Ice turn to open his case. He opens the case the way Halilintar open his case. The blue aquamarine case open as Ice put his fingerprint on it. A light-blue crystal bow is securely attached in the case. It looks so beautiful and elegant, like an ornament that's being displayed to everyone.

"Wihhhhh, so beautiful!"

Different from Halilintar edge sword, the bow is calming and yet bearing the storm inside it. Surprised is the best description that everyone puts to Ice. They can see on how delighted the Snow User sees his gift. Ice is extremely happy. He would never guess that Solar would give him something this precious. Seeing how carefully Solar creating this beauty is best to say that ice would never exchange it to something ever.

'.... you watch me train archery aren't you?' Ice is known to be lazy, but when he is putting his attention on something he will give it all, just like how he is takes interest on archery. Well, he is not that good, but he has this thought that he would create a bow if he is getting better at it. He never expected Solar would suddenly create a bow for him. He is speechless.

"That's only the outer look, I bet the power is more impressive!" Blaze commented at his brother's new upgrade weapon.Ice grasps the bow, which length almost as long as his height. He holds the bow like a professional archer.

"A bow??" Thorn questioning.

"Can Ice use that thing?" Taufan have a doubt on his ever lazy brother.

"Oy!" Ice feel insulted at Taufan statement.

"The bow is long...." Yaya pointed.

"Isn't it heavy?"

'Why you all aren't asking me that question?' Halilintar give a sarcas remark in his mind.

"I don't know" is the answer that Ice give to them. Everyone almost falls over hearing it.

"Ayyo yo! Be serious! That's weapon is for you! If you can't use it wouldn't the weapon be a waste?!" Gopal commented,

"Who said I can't use the bow?" Ice look at Gopal with a smug face.

"WAIT YOU CAN?!" everyone chorused in unison.

"You don't believe me?"

"Like I can believe that" Blaze retort.

"Do you want to be my target practice?" Ice let his cold smile appear on his face. He really have this urge to shoot Blaze with his new bow, but resist doing that. While Ice entertains them with answering questions, the whole room suddenly becomes much colder.

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