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Author here bringing a new chapter!

Author is collaborating with someone

And I thank you for your help!

Monsta is Boboiboy creator


"I'm fine" : talking

'Why?' : thinking

"I don't know" :talking on video


A few days have passed and the elemental brothers are still grieving for the lost. Fang was the one who reported the unfortuned missions and the lost. T.A.P.O.P.S takes extreme measures to ensure that they will not be ambused just like Halilintar's group was. Everyone feels sorry for them. Fang, Gopal, Yaya, and Ying are trying to make the brothers happy, but it seems they can't do anything about this.

"This is all my fault," Hali says to Ice in the training hall.

"This is not your fault! You tried your best to protect him"

The normally lazy Ice is actually consoling Halilintar.

"I'm not strong enough."

"Kak Hali, your group was fighting a psycopathic alien from ancient times. It is a miracle that the three of you survived!"

"So you mean Solar sacrifice is for naught!"

Ice can sense how angry Halilintar is.

"Of course not! What I mean is there must be a reason why Solar did that! We have to find the answer. This is Solar we're talking about. He must have a plan for us to do! That is why he let himself to be the victim!" Ice shout at Hali to make him realize that he too wants to do something to save Solar. Ice is fed at everything, from the silent that greet him in the morning, to hearing Thorn cry in his room, to Blaze setting anything ablaze because of the stress, to listening to the hollow laugh Taufan uses, to seeing the lost look on Gempa's face. He needs them to wake up. He needs them to fight this together. He needs them to save Solar

"WAKE UP! All of you! Solar needs us!"

Ice's wake up call is heard trough the hallway.

"For someone who likes talking in whisper voices, you can scream too" Hali states in soft tone, after hearing Ice's outburst. He never though that the normally calm Ice can be this serious.

"I think you're right. We can't stay like this forever. Solar is counting on us!"

"Finally your brain is working."

"I though your sarcasm was gone, but it seems it's only been buried by that facade."

Ice gives Hali a cold glare while Hali returns it with a deathglare.


Thorn is currently in Solar's room."I miss you, Solar."

Tears fall on the white cap. Thorn forgot how many times he cried. His heart is aching to meet him. Nightmares haunt him, he is afraid to sleep. To dream of Solar and watch him dissappear again. Thorn notices Solar's Lab is not locked. He sees many projects of science, potions and so on. From the finished one, to half finish, to just been theorised, and been planned. He even sees some seeds that will be researched.

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