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Boboiboy is owned by Monsta

"Right": talking

'I want to curse!': Thinking

"My hope" : conversation in video



"I don't give you any information, because I'm worried that you will screw up my plan" As if Solar can hear what Blaze and Halilintar says. Blaze almost tempted to set the screen on fire.

"What!" everyone chorused in harmony.

'If you already have a plan why would you do this stupid things?'

Ice is confused at Solar ways of thinking.

"Yeah, don't give that look I've already draw up a plan to capture Retak'ka" says Solar with confident smile. While others thinking that Solar has gone mad.

"Okay, maybe half of it not the whole picture" somehow Solar in that video can imagine that his brother wouldn't believe him. Maybe they should give Solar more credits on how he was able to draw a plan in that situation.

"Come on, be positive! Yeah I know all of you would think that I'm out of my mind, but this is urgent!. I have been searching and pile up every information regarding on Retak'ka. And Guess what? I find a possibility" everyone is suprised to hear this good news. Finally they can think on how to capture that villain.

"I found out that Retak'ka have an old friend under the name of Hang Kasa. He is the only person who knows to defeat Retak'ka. I have asked Databot to search Hang Kasa location. Unfortunately it take weeks to find his location. Maybe on the day you find this video you can ask Databot for clarification."

"A true genius!" Gopal give compliment to Solar.

"Don't worry about me. I promise I will be okay. I know what I'm doing. Giving my power to Retak'ka is the first step for defeating him. By doing that, I hope I can control my power from the inside. I'm giving you times to prepare. Just don't take too long, because the longer Retak'ka use my power the more dangerous he will be the next time you fight him. It will be more difficult for me to control my power. I don't want to hurt you." Solar trembled on the very thought of hurting his brother, even if it's an accident. He know very well about his power and it's destructive.

This is an eye opener to the siblings, although they don't really care about each other but somehow they don't want to seperated. They will do anything for each other, just like what Solar have done.

"Dont be sad! There's no way I will just die like that. Trust me, I won't die untill you all treat me 10 chocolate bars each."

Hearing this, Ice and the others felt that their burdens were slightly reduced. Now they are determined to defeat Retak'ka and save Solar.

"Whoops, almost forgetting something. I predicted Kak Hali's sword was broken, right?" there is pause at there as if it's waiting for an answer. Halilintar guess Solar did that on purpose, so he is nodding flowing with current act.

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