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Hola, Readers~

Finally, after 5 days of struggling with this chapter, Author can up it

Author doesn't know why it takes that much time....

Nonetheless, Author hopes you will be satisfied

Boboiboy is owned by Monsta

"Get your legs moving! ": talking

'May your soul sleeps in peace': thinking



Gempa's team is doing a little better job than Halilintar's team (Ochobot's being with them is a plus factor for survival).

Ochobot's quick assestment teleporting the other twin is what makes them a bit lucky, though the power sphera is having a hard time powering up itself because it is running off battery. Even so, they are still in a dangerous situation as Ochobot is not really putting in the right coordinates when teleporting.

The space ship is in bad shape because of the battle at the T.A.P.O.P.S hangar. It doesn't have the power to fly, and right now they're likely to crash on the nearest planet.

"We will crash!" Ochobot shouted so everyone could brace for impact.

The space ship is tilting dangerously when it enters the atmosphere of Planet Quabac, and the shaking makes everyone inside it want to throw up.

"Woah?!" Blaze shouted while holding Ice, who is grunting at the sudden movement.

"Will the space ship still intact after we pass the atmosphere?" Gempa asks Ochobot.


"That doesn't give me any encouragement!" Gempa panicky stated.

"Uhhh.... Might as well hope that we're not cooked."

"You don't have to mention it, Ice!" Gopal shrieking. "Ayoyo! I don't want to be a steak!" He continued, crying.

"Language! There are children in here! "

"We're children, Captain Papa!" the four boys shout back.

"No! You're a teenager! "

"Papa, why does Pipi feel hot?" The real child in there is uncomfortable.

Everyone quickly saw the front, body, and back of the space ship ignite in flames. Computers getting many signals haphazardly with blaring sounds.

"Ice! The ship!" Ochobot shouted at him. Ice grunted in pain. Can't everyone give him a break?!

"Wait! I'm gathering my energy! " With a deep breath, Ice spread out his power. It is slowly covering the entire ship to compensate for the heat.

"Wah, cold!" Pipi exclaimed in contend.

"How long can you maintain this?"

"No longer than half an hour. This ship is too large and my power can't be maintained for longer than that and I'm exhausted! " Ice emphasize the last word. Although a few of it still lay on his own fault that he is not diligent in training or you can say he is really lazy unlike Blaze who is practically exercising everyday.

The space ship with a tiny layer of ice swooped down, entering the clear sky.


They see something out of the ordinary, borderline weird.

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