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Helloooooo, Readers!!!!

Today is a special day for Nee, so it is right for Nee to up a new chapter~

Sorry for the long wait


Boboiboy is owned by Monsta.

"Guys and gals" :Talking

'Empty?': Thinking



Gempa sighed. As the adrenaline left them, he could see the extent of exhaustion plastered all over his groupmate's face. The holder of the earth element shifted his back. He takes a glance at the sleeping figure on his back, so silent in his sleep.

'I have to be strong, for everyone,' that's the very thought of keeping Gempa looking tall. He is the leader. He should be the one shouldering negative thoughts and making sure that their group stays positive.

They're currently walking north as per Blaze's suggestion, who keeps insisting that their left side is the north, and everyone was too tired to protest in the wake of the fact that one of them is gravely injured.

Gempa hopes the Universe shows mercy after everything that happened today.

"—It's okay, papa~ Pipi will buy you a new one for you." The innocent little girl, the only one who looks so strong right now, gives encouragement to her father as the spaceship that takes and saves them slowly turns into metal, unrecognized.

Ah, Gempa is not following what Pipi is even talking about.

"Aren't spaceships supposed to take a long time to be made? and it's wasting too much money to buy?" Gopal asks, he is trying to ease the tensions that have been going on around them as the usual boboiboy brothers have grown too silent.

"I never knew you knew something about the price of a spaceship, Gopal."

"Hey! At least I take my time to read!"

"Yeah, when there is no food in your brain."

Blaze and Gopal start bickering, lifting up the tension that surrounds them.

"It's true, though. It depends on how large the spaceship is and the technologies that are being integrated into it. Basically, better technology equals a better chance of survival in space." It was Ochobot who answered his question. It even projects the prices of spaceships with its specifications.

"That one looks awesome."

"Nope, that one looks more edgy."

"That pink one looks cute!"

"Alahhh, Justice wants the same one as Spaceship Kebenaran."

"Maybe Nut can do something."

Seeing a bit of normalcy grace them, Gempa chuckles a bit, getting a strange look from Pipi.

"Abang okay?"

"I'm okay. Just thinking about my other siblings"

"Having many siblings must be hard for Abang, eh?"

That makes a tiny smile on Gempa's face stretch.

"It is. My life is full of chaos, and I never wanted to exchange it for anything."

"Ahhhh, Pipi wants siblings tooo"

"You should ask that to your father then." Gempa tried hard to hold his laughter when the sweet girl started harassing his father for a sibling.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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