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Hello My Readersssssssssssssssssssssss!

Hahhhh, finally Author up again.

A lot has happen

And I'm ready to write again

Stop with this intro and start read the new chapter!

Boboiboy owned by Monsta

"He what?!": Talking

'Again?': thinking



Halilintar use both his twin sword to pary any attack coming from him. Bloody Mary spark really eye catching to everyone who watch the battle. The swords letting out a few voltage to protect it owner from Rettak'ka grasping range. It look like the twin sword understand their which is their priority.

"Such a weapon.... I never thought he could create that. I should have used him before I absorbed him. "Retak'ka, have a second thought. He just realized how smart is Solar and how useful he will be.

"What did you say?!"

"Using your brother to fight you Isn't that wonderful?~"


Electricity blast caught everyone out of guard. The Cyber Ai stop for a few second.

"Kak Hali!" Taufan really know with how much electricity coming out and discharnged through the place, his brother is super angry. No, he is madly angry.

'If this keep up, he will lost control over his power'

"Come here!"

Ying and Nut try their hardest to protect the rest of the power spheras that able to escape from Retak'ka and his group.

This time, Gempa's Dinding Tanah protected them for most of the laser. He even had the time to organize his siblings. Gempa is in charge of protection. His Tumbukan Tanah could supress the Cyber Ai movement but only for a while, can't be compared with Ice power.

Though in a no good condition, Ice keep firing his arrow. His twin, Blaze, is stupidly charnging at Retak'ka. He just can't comprehend on how much Blaze has been thrown around.

"That buffalo.... you will be the death of me!"

Blaze almost get hit, thankfully Ice's arrow save him in the nick of time.

"Thanks Ice!"

"Thanks, ndasmu!" Ice grudgingly shout back.

Blaze change tactic attacking Cyber AI. His flame doesn't give any effect on Retak'ka while giving more to the Cybers.

Pipi and Papa Zola were focusing on the survival. Watching the enemies if they got to close to their savety line.

And the worst situation happen. Their stamina can't keep up with robot.

"Kak Gem! I'm almost at my limit! " Ice is tired. He really needs his sleep time!

With Ice slowing down, Blaze is more exposed to Cyber AI attack. Gempa is doing his best to focus on his brothers but they're getting tired and injured.

'We have to do something!'

On Halilintar's side, the situation is not good. One of the twin sword has long been embended into a wall.

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