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"Ah, this, is my favorite one" Noah chuckled. We were playing mini-golf, and I was leading, but it was a difficult course and he'd played this one many times before. "See you have to time it just perfectly, so the ball goes through the wheel" he tapped the ball and ended up getting a hole in one.
"Just one hole in one won't get you a win" I smirked.
10 tries later, I was still trying to get the ball through the wheel. Noah came over to me and wrapped his arms around me from behind me, and rested his chin on my shoulder. He then held the golf club over my hands and hit the ball for me. It was moments like this that would momentarily make me think Noah liked me as more than a friend. Noah's lips brushed against my neck lightly. A chill went down my spine, he made me feel so different.
"Noah, what are you doing" I pulled myself away from him.
"Helping you in mini-golf" he smirked. "Or I think that's what I'm doing, I mean it is just mini-golf, not a date."

"So why does it feel like more than mini-golf?" We grabbed our clubs and moved to the next hole.
"Because, I want it to be more, and I know you want it to be more" he looked away.
"Wait, you like- hold on, you know?" My eyes widened.
"You don't think I noticed, how you hugged me a little longer, how you sat closer to me, or how you would pick me to sit next to while watching a horror movie?" He gave me a look.
"I didn't think it was obvious" I looked down.
"I mean those became telltale signs after I read your texts to (y/f)" my jaw dropped.
"You read my texts?!" I punched his shoulder.
"Only because I was feeling for you and I just wanted to know" he chuckled. "Look, (y/n), I like you, a lot. And I know you like me back. I think you're beautiful and charming, and sweet." Noah gripped my waist.
"Well if you think, all those things, why haven't you kissed me yet?" I looked up. He chuckled and leaned in, and kissed me softly.

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