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f/1 = your first friend

f/2 = your second friend

it's a Wednesday in July, and the day I leave to go camping with some friends and Noah. luckily we can go alone and rent a place by ourselves, rather than with our parents. as I finish packing my bags and stuffing them in f/1's car, i pull on my chacos and grab my sunglasses.

"do you have everything?" f/1 asks. "yeahhh! let's go!" i say.
"alright we'll pick up Finn first since he's the closest and then we'll get the other ones."
"perfect. ahhhh I'm so excited!" I say.
"me too!" she squeals. we hop into the car and drive over to pick up Finn.
"where's Noah?" he asks.
"we're picking him up next." f/1 says.
"wow I'm surprised he wasn't already at your house, y/n." he says with a wink.
"shut up!" I say. he puts his hands up.
"just saying... we're having separate tents right? otherwise none of us will sleep." I roll my eyes, and say,
"do you have your stuff?"
"oh, avoiding the situation now, are we?" he says, throwing his bag in the trunk.
"it's a rhetorical question so I'm not answering." I say, sticking my tongue out at him.
"so if Noah is happy I'll know why." he says, and gets into the passenger seat.
"hey I have shotgun!" I laugh.
"not anymore!" he says, and we go to pick up Noah.
as we drive up he opens the door and says bye to his little sister, then walks out and gets in the seat next to me.
"hey!" I say.
"hey, y/n!" he smiles, kissing me quickly then buckling his seatbelt. "we're gonna pick up f/2 and Caleb and then we'll go." f/1 says. "awesome!" he says.
we go to pick up the others and then drive the 7 hours to get to the park. I get out to stretch and the others follow.
"it smells so good oh my god." f/2 says.
"right? and no one's around so that's even better." I say.
"or we'll all get killed and no one will know..." Caleb says.
"stoppppp!" f/1 says. "shut up, you're being stupid!"
"oh, ok. whatever you say." he laughs, and she crosses her arms. "I'm serious."
"yeah, Caleb, she might kill you if you don't stop." Noah jokes.
"f/1's A MURDERER!!!!" Caleb yells, then runs off to pee. I start laughing and Finn does too.
"he's such a dumb fuck." he says. "but you gotta love him."
"I think I love him the most." Noah says. "y/n, sorry babe, but you're only a side thing. it's really Caleb who's meant for me." he jokes, doing his cute half smile.
"I understand, f/2 and I are the same way." I wink, and he smiles.
we unload our bags and set up our tents in an area we clear up a bit. "what time is it?" f/2 asks once we all finish.
"what? it's already 6:45!" I say, "no wonder I'm hungry!"
"wait but where do we set up a fire?" f/1 asks.
"ummm... maybe like... here?" f/2 says, pulling aside a few branches. "yeah that works." I say. "go get some branches and kindling and stuff." I tell the guys. "we can like start the fire."
we attempt to light the fire without matches but end up cracking up for a good 3 minutes straight. "that's why we're not from the 1800s!" f/2 laughs.
"trueee!" I say, and the guys come back.
"it's like already dark." Finn says. "oh, honey, are you afraid?" I joke. "don't make fun of me, y/n! it's a serious thing!" he says, pouting. "does f/1 need to tuck you in tonight?" I ask.
"I'm not doing that." she says. "fend for yourself, bitch." she laughs.
Noah opens the trunk and pulls out the pudgie pie makers.
"what the fuck are these?" he laughs. "PUDGIE PIE IRONS!!!" I say. "I totally forgot I brought those! do we have bread and sandwich stuff? or pizza stuff?" I ask. he checks the cooler. "ummm.... we have like peanut butter and jelly..."
"that works! bring the bread and the pb&j." I say. he carries everything over in one trip and sets it down in front of me.
"so you make your sandwich like so," I say as I smear the peanut butter and jelly onto the bread. "then you put the sandwich into the clamps and close it, and hold it over the fire like s'mores! you can just put it in the coals if you want, too."
"why are they called pudgie pies?" he asks.
"you know, I couldn't tell ya. it's probably cuz the person who invented it was pudgie and wanted a quick pie on the road." I laugh. they all assemble their pudgie pies and then we feast on our "baked" pb&j's.
"alright, who wants to do something?" Finn asks.
"we've been doing things all day and we're doing things right now..." f/1 says.
"yeah, but something better." he winks. he runs to the car and grabs a bottle. "we're all alone! spin the bottle with a drink." he says. we all circle up and he spins it, which lands on Caleb.
"alright, if you insist." Caleb says, and takes a drink, then crawls over to Finn, earning a laugh from all of us.
"what about us?" Noah fake cries. "sorry man, were-" Caleb snaps his fingers, "over." we giggle even more and Caleb kisses Finn on the cheek.
"there it is." he winks, and Caleb crawls back to his spot. he spins it and it lands on f/2, then f/1, then Finn, then f/1 again, and it takes a while for it to land on both Noah and I. finally Caleb spins it and it lands on Noah.
"Noahhhhhhh!!!!!" Caleb says. "come to daddy." he slurs.
"no we already established that we're over." he laughs, and takes a long drink.
"dude, save some!" Finn laughs. "fuck off, you've had just as much." Noah says, then scootches closer to me and pours it into my mouth. I swallow and almost immediately feel the sensation.
"y/n you're such a lightweight!" Caleb says.
"then it's more for you!" I reply. he shrugs,
"true. thanks man!"
I laugh, "not a proble-" but Noahs lips stop mine from finishing. he picks me up and carries me to our tent, unzipping it as fast as possible. I hear Finn say something but I can't make out exactly what it is. once we get into the tent I zip it back up and he lays me down on the sleeping bags.
I scream and he sets me down he kisses me on the forehead and says,
"do you think they heard?"
"I mean, probably...i screamed kinda loud." I laugh.
"yeah" he laughs"did it just get really cold?" I ask.
"I dunno, are you cold?" he asks, pulling me even closer so we're fully touching, then zips the sleeping bag up. "better?" he asks. "better." I smile.
"we should sleep." I whisper, and he nods.
"goodnight y/n, love you." he says. "love you too, Noah." we kiss lightly and I shift a little closer to him. "goodnight babe." I say, and give him a quick kiss.
I wake up to hear birds chirping and see the glow of the morning sun through the tent. I glance at Noah who still has his hands resting on my waist and I smile. he's so sweet. I don't hear anyone else so I'm probably the first one awake. just a few minutes later Noah stirs a bit and opens one eye slowly, a smile appearing on his face.
"good morning." he whispers. "good morning!" I whisper back. we shift a little and I lay my head on his chest, with his hands moving to my lower back.
"how'd you sleep?" I ask. he yawns and says,
"good since you're here." I smile and he asks the same to me. "good." I say, then start giggling. 
*time skip*
"should we go outside?" I ask. "yeah, we can find something to do today." he says, unzipping the sleeping bag.
"sounds good to me!" I smile. I put some clothes on and climb out of the tent. Caleb and f/2 are cuddling by where the fire was and we walk over to them.
"good morning! how'd you guys sleep?" I ask.
"reallllly really soundly." Caleb says, squinting up at us.
"dude, you are sooooo hungover." Noah laughs, grabbing a blanket for us to sit on. Caleb shrugs.
"we finally fell asleep after-" f/2 starts, but then Finn walks out of his tent, saying,
"nice hair, Noah." Noah runs his fingers through his hair but I put my hand on his.
"it looks cute." I whisper.
"told you he'd be happy." Finn winks towards me.

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