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y/f/n = your friends name

"I wish we could see each other." you say into the phone.

"Me too." noah says sadly.

"You're on my mind, always." you say meaningfully.

"Always." you hear noah mutter before you hang up the phone. Just my luck, the one guy who would show interest in me would live four hours away. You pull the covers over your curled up frame and go to sleep thinking about noah's hazel eyes.

*the next day*

The first thing you feel is the bright sunshine on your eyes and you can't help but think to yourself that the sun seems to be in a good mood. At least one of us is. You slowly pull back the covers and get up to get ready for the day, even though it was a Saturday. Maybe a nice hot shower would help you take your mind off of not being able to physically be with noah. Even though people might think that long distance relationships are silly, you didn't care what people thought. Your mind was racing with thoughts as you hopped out of the shower and got ready for the day. Just as you were slipping on your jean jacket you heard your phone ring, normally you would let it ring but just out of curiousity you answered it.

"Hello?" you ask while sitting on your bed.

"Hey y/n!" y/f/n says cheerfully.

"Oh hi!" you exclaim trying to match her cheerfullness.

"I thought we could hang out today, maybe go to the park?" she suggests hopefully.

"Yeah sure," you say enthusiasticaly. "What time should I meet you down there?" you ask.

"Maybe in about an hour." she tells you.

"Okay, well see you later y/f/n." you say as you hang up the phone. You were happy that y/f/n had called you because you really needed to vent to someone about noah. She was the only person who understood their relationship. Don't get me wrong, your other friends were supportive but you could tell that they didn't really understand.

Right now, a hour seemed like forever. You had tried to contact noah but he had been giving you short answers which worried you because that was out of the normal for him. He had told you he was busy and that he would call you later in the day. Having nothing else to do you decided to head to the park a little early. Letting your mom and dad know where you were going and all the details of what you would be doing you headed out, making sure to not forget your keys.

The park in your neighborhood was only about three blocks away, which automatically made it you and y/f/n's hangout. It had a lot of trees which kept it cooler than the rest of your street considering it could get quite hot. There were hot dog stands all throughout the park which made it convienent if you ever got hungry, which you happened to be but you would just wait until y/f/n got here. You sat down on the bench that was closest to the parks entance because that is where you and y/f/n usually sat.

*one hour later*

You ran your hands through your hair in frustration while frantically looking for y/f/n. It had been over ten minutes since y/f/n had said she was supposed to be here, and she was never late. You had wasted a better part of an hour on your phone playing games, namely Subway Surfers. You got up and finally decided to get your hot dog since y/f/n had made you wait. When you got to the stand you saw a guy about your age ordering a hotdog in front of you. He didn't look familar, but he looked nice. With his warm brown eyes and tall frame he was just her type. Or he would be if she wasn't so infatuated with noah.

She got in line behind him just as he was about to leave and when he turned around you just stared in shock at him.

"Noah?" you say excitedly.

"Who is tapping me?" he says unsurely. As he turns to face you his face breaks into a big smile. "Hi y/n." he says hugging you.

"Hi." you say softly after giving the worker your order. "What are you doing here?" you ask, your face scrunched up in confusion.

"Surprising my favorite girl." he states casually. You smile widely at him before throwing your arms around him almost knocking him off his feet.

"Your hot dog is waiting." the employee interupts.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry." you say taking the hot dog from them. "Something's not adding up noah." you say turning to look at him inquisitively.

"Like what?" he smirks while putting his arm around you. Your whole face starts to burn up at his touch but you continue, trying not to be distracted by his warmth.

"How did you know I would be here?" you ask looking up at him curiously.

"Y/f/n. She wanted to surprise you." he said simply. You can't believe that y/f/n would do something that nice for you! You had to call her, after you spend time with noah of course. You smile and move closer to noah as you walk away from the hot dog stand and towards the bench. As you sat there, you talked about various topics and laughed until your stomachs hurt.

You realized, in that moment as the sun was setting that maybe everything would work itself out.

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