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(Boy/N) = boy name

Flashback to June

You had just finished all your exams for the school year, so you basically spent the last few days of school socializing and being laid back in your classes. You and noah had been texting the whole day, and if it weren't the last week of school, the teachers definitely would have nagged you about it, but hey that's what couples do. You two just started dating for about a month, and you were still in that 'honeymoon' phase. Everyone thought you were the cutest thing.

The bell rang and you were on your way to your next free class. You step and the door and let out a gasp. noah grabs your waist as soon as you step through the door and starts to tickle you; his smile radiating since he's so cute.

"Oh my God!" You laugh, "Keep your hands to yourself," you joke.

"Well it's kinda hard I mean look at you," he tells you with just an inch separating your faces. He's rubbing your sides where he had just tickled you.

"We're going to be late," you tell him trying to resist being equally as flirtatious. You take his hands into yours and place them to his sides. He licks his lips, smiles, and says, "Fine, but gimme a kiss before I go." You stand on your tippy-toes and peck his lips. "Love you," you tell him as you turn around and make your way to your class.

In this class you socialize the most. Your best friend is in there, her friends, and some guys you used to think were cute before you got a boyfriend. All in all, it's a good time. You're all standing up because that's the only way you could all talk to each other because you weren't allowed to move the seats around. You didn't mind because your skirt was a little short anyway, so sitting may not have been the best look for it. It would just end up riding up. Anyway, you all were in the midst of a conversation on how to get girls.

"Oh, please!" you shout in laughter, "that is not the way to go about it at all!"

"Oh come on, (Y/N)," (Boy/N) starts, "like you would know," he jokes.

"Actually I would know. I am a girl anyway. And I know that we definitely don't like guys saying stuff like that!" you laugh. "it's lame, not sexy or romantic in any way. Cheesy pick up lines won't work, trust me." you pat him on the back and smile.

"Okay, since you know so much.. how about you school me. I'll pretend to be a chick, and you pretend to be a dude. Right now," he smirks at you.

"Challenge accepted," you shake hands. You take a few steps so you're close to each other and begin your scene. "Hey," you say fixing his collar, all while he's staring intently in your eyes. "You look really good today, so I guess it gave me some motivation to ask you to go out with me sometime," you bat your eyelashes and put your arms behind your back giving him puppy dog eyes, "so will you do me the pleasure of going out to lunch sometime?" You begin to get confused as you see (Boy/N) start to close his eyes as if he were going to kiss you, then out of nowhere you hear:

"Really, (Y/N)?"

It was noah. It wasn't abnormal for him to cut his class just to see you, especially since going to class didn't matter at the end of the school year.

"Hey, noah, listen believe me when I tell you that nothing is going on here," you look at (Boy/N) in disgust, "well.. at least not on my end."

"I don't want to hear it." noah says sternly as he exits the room. You chase after him and end up in the cafeteria which was actually his lunch period. You grab his arm and he quickly and forcefully yanks it back. "I said I don't want to hear it! Get the fuck away from me, (Y/N)." He never acted like that toward you. Ever. You got angered by it.

"Hey! Don't you trust me? Stop screaming at me for a second and listen! I didn't do anything wrong!" You yell.

He looks at you in disgust, "I mean I knew he had a thing for you but I literally just heard you asking him out, you can't be serious in thinking that I would ever forgive that," he shouts back.

"Well what then?!" you ask; everyone now looking at you two. "Did you want to break up because that's what it sou-"

"Whatever then!" He said without hesitation. He turned around and left you standing there... embarrassed and heart broken. You never spoke to him again until...

Flash forward to "present day" August

It's been two months. You still loved him. You hated yourself for it, but you still did. You saw how much he was hurting that day, and you wanted to take it away from him, but you were the reason why he was feeling that way. You took responsibility for some of the guilt, but the rest was for him to deal with. The rest was his fault.

That set aside, you were determined to enjoy this day out with your friends, even if he would be there camping with you. He still liked all your photos on instagram as you did for him, and the two of you were civil; just not talking unfortunately. It ate you up inside, but you carried a small ounce of hope that you two may actually re-hash things.

The car ride to the site wasn't that awfully awkward. You had a lively group of friends so that was nice. When you arrived, you got out of the car and proceeded to remove your large pile of belongings from the trunk. You struggled with it a bit.

"Ah, hey I got it," noah says smiling at you and carrying your tons of things.

"Oh! Um, you didn't have to do that, I'm sorry," You tell him.

"No it's cool, I want to," he tells you.

And that's how things went. He continued being extra nice to you. He got food for you, he carried your things, and he even lent you his sweater because it was night time and you were getting cold even though you already were wearing a pretty thick top. Your whole group of friends went out for a walk with you, but then you tripped. You fell behind the pack.

"Hey, are you alright?" he asks running to you with a worried expression on his face. "Wow, you're knee is covered in blood," he noticed that you saw how worried he was so he quickly cleared his throat and looked back at your knee to avoid your eyes.

"It's no big deal," you say almost as a whisper, "I've been hurt a lot worse,"

He noticed that slight jab at him, but nonetheless wraps up your knee with a bandanna that he'd been carrying in his pocket. You're all wrapped up, and he helps you to stand.

"I've been meaning to ask you," you start.

"What?" he asks sincerely.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" you ask in utter confusion.

"I should've trusted you," he mumbles under his breath.

"What?" you heard him, but you wanted to hear him say it louder.

"I should've trusted you okay?" he says a little too loud. "Listen I don't know the whole story of what happened that day and I don't want to know. I should have trusted you because we were in love and that's what you're supposed to do. And look, I know I've hurt you, and I wish I could take that back- I do. I just, I just want to know if I completely messed up or if there's any way–" his hands are shaking out of his frustration and he can't help but stumble on his words, "If there's any way that I can fix anything with us, and no not as just friends."

You want to cry; you're bombarded with all these emotions. "You know, I never thought that another human could fuck me up this bad," you admit angrily. "I love you, noah why would you do that to me?" He tries to hold you, but the tears arrive and you're mad at him at the same time so you try to break out of him holding you, and you hit him and push him so he'll go away; that the whole situation would go away, but he stays. He stays and he holds you. His breathing pattern is steady which calms you. The two of you stand there, him rocking you in his arms and stroking your hair, planting kisses all over your head.

"I love you, (Y/N). I love you. I'll spend the rest of my life showing you that this is true if you'll let me."

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