𝙪𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙫𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙤𝙧

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y/of/n = your other friends name

y/f/n = your friends name

Today was the day of the Halloween festival. This was a big deal to everyone in my town, they had been buzzing about it for months. You were also excited about it because Noah would be back in town from college just to attend the festival. Your friends had been teasing you about your crush on him and the teasing only increased when they found out that he would be in town. Despite all of the teasing, you were trying to get over him. It just wasn't practical with him being away at school and all.

Even though you were trying to get over noah you still wanted to look nice for the festival, just not for the same reasons. Once you were satisfied with the outfit you had picked out you went into the bathroom and changed. You decided to straighten and curl your hair just enough so that it would be wavy since you had extra time. Just as you were curling the last piece of your hair you hear your phone ring.

"Hello?" you say while holding the phone to your ear with your shoulder.

"Hey y/n. Are you ready to head down to the festival?" y/f/n asks.

"Yea, hold on. I'll be downstairs in a minute." you tell her as you hang up the phone. You carefully put on your eyeliner and mascara before stuffing them into your purse along with your phone, some money, your keys, and your eos.

You walk down your hallway and run down the stairs to meet y/f/n. You smile in greeting as you turn to lock the door to your house. Your parents were already there, they had booths for their jobs at the festival. Just normal advertising.

"Are you excited?" y/f/n asks you knowingly.

"Yes I am." you say giving her a playful grin before lightly shoving her.

As much as you might try to admit it, Noah was your first case of puppy love, and you really liked him. So naturally it has been hard trying to move on, even if you two had no history. When he was a senior the two of you were never very close, maybe you had a couple of conversations here and there but you never really talked. From what you knew he was a nice guy, with flaws of course but was an overall nice person to be around.

As the two of you get closer to the festival you pull out $3.00 since that is the admissions fee.

"Man we're gonna be broke when we get out of this festival." y/f/n says jokingly. You nod in agreement as you hand the guy your money to get in.

The guy who took our admissions fee chuckled and shook his head at y/f/n as he let us in. We smiled and said thank you before entering the Halloween wonderland before us. The only word to describe this place is beautiful. There were orange lights hanging everywhere along with orange and black paper streamers, they also had stacks of hay in various spots. Everyone walking around just looked so content and happy, just being here gave you a feeling of happiness.

"What do you want to do first?" you ask, your voice full of joy.

"I bet I know what you wanna do." she says while wiggling her eyebrows. You just give her a look of confusion until it dawned onto you what she meant.

"No! Not that!" you say while shoving her. "You're always saying something y/f/n." you say laughing.

"That's why you love me!" she sing songs while hugging you.

"I guess." you say playfully.

*2 hours later*

Y/f/n was having a good time, she had met this guy while we were playing one of those shooting games that they have at amusement parks. They hit it off immediately and he has been with us ever since. They were very cute together if I must say so myself. While you were happy for her, it seemed as if now you were the third wheel and that bothered you a little bit.

Now you guys were in line for the ferris wheel ride which was one of the festivals main attractions. It was mostly their main attraction because it was for couples, so you had to be in a romantic relationship with someone to get on. Technically you could ride by yourself but it was an unwritten rule that you had to bring your girlfriend or boyfriend along with you. Since food doesn't count, you don't qualify.

As the three of you started to get closer to the front of the line you realized that you didn't want to have to ride with some random person, or even by yourself.

"Hey y/f/n, I think I'm going to sit on the bench and wait." you say getting y/f/n's attention.

"Okay, are you sure?" she asks, her voice unsure.

"Yea, I'll be good." you reassure her.

You start to maneuver to the end of the line and find your way to the nearest bench. You sat down and just stared at the ferris wheel and how beautiful it looked. They must have found a way to wrap Christmas lights around the wheel and the yellow glow against the night sky only enhances the beauty of the stars in the sky. You felt someone shift in their seat and you looked over to see that it was y/m/f. Your thoughts must have kept you from noticing him sit down.

"Hey y/of/n." you say lightly.

"What are you doing sitting off by yourself?" he asks you, trying to make conversation.

"Well y/f/n and her guy friend are on the ferris wheel so I'm just sitting here waiting for them." you reply awkwardly. You shifted in your seat waiting for this conversation to be over. You liked y/of/n but the two of you were never particularly close and your conversations always felt forced.

"Well do you want to go on the ride together since we both have no one else to ride with?" he asks hopefully.

"Well—-." you start, hoping that you could reject him nicely.

"She's riding with me." a new voice says cutting you off. You turn and see Noah standing there looking at you, clearly amused at your situation.

"Yea, sorry y/of/n. Maybe another time?" you say faking dissapointment. You were surprised that Noah stepped in like that, the two of you barely knew each other. Where did he ever come from? As many questions as you had in your head you decided to throw them all out and get up off the bench to walk with noah.

"Why'd you do that?" you ask curiously.

"You looked trapped. Plus I may have wanted to talk to you." he says quickly. He looks down at you with an embarrassed smile on your face.

"You wanted to talk to me?!" you say looking at him incredulously.

"Why? Is that so unbelievable?" he asks, pulling your wrist to move you up in line.

"You being Mr. College Big Shot? Yes." you reply teasingly. He just starts laughing as soon as you finish talking. After the laughs die down the two of you just stand there peacefully waiting for your turn to get on the ride.

"You ready to get on?" you ask looking back at noah excitedly.

"Yes." he says laughing at your childlike joy. The two of you secure yourselves to the ride and wait for it to take off. You look out into the crowd and you see y/f/n smiling widely at you and giving you a thumbs up while motioning between the two of you. You give her a death glare and subtly motion for her to stop before Noah sees her.

The ride starts and you can see the faces of the crowd becoming smaller and smaller. This only made your smile grow wider, you really loved ferris wheels! Your cheeks start to heat up when you look over at Noah to see that he was already looking at you with an unknown emotion in his eyes.

"What? Is something on my face?" you ask self consciously touching your face.

"Nothing's wrong with your face. That's the problem." he says

"What do you mean?" you ask, your face scrunched up in confusion.

"How did I not notice you before y/n? You were right in front of me." he says quietly, almost like he didn't want you to hear.You stuttered but you couldn't seem to form a coherent response.

"I want to get to know you, I want to take things between us slowly considering the circumstances." he says, referring to him being in college.

"Me too." you say giving him a soft smile.

"Yes?" he says surprisingly.

"Yes." you say happily, flinging your arms around his neck just as the two of you reached the top of the ferris wheel.

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