𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙖 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚

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You sat on your bed with your laptop open with a small tub of ice cream in front of you. You were watching 'The Hollywood scene'. You loved the show, it was full of drama, action and a rubbish main character who everyone hated.

The main character was a snobbish brat who got together with a famous actor and used him for money. She then got the part in a big movie and upped her fame, going through several different boys at a time.

The cast were doing an Instagram live stream which you were currently watching while also watching the show. In the live stream the cast had said something about a big announcement. "Now guys we would like to show you something big." Said Rey, the actor of the main character's best friend.

"We would like to introduce you to Noah Schnapp who will be joining us on the show." A young man with brown hair and hazel eyes walked into the live. "His first episode will be online at midnight."

You recognised Noah from various other things you had seen. You, like most girls your age, had a major crush on Noah.

"In honour of me joining the show we will be holding a small competition and the winner will be flown out to our set to spend the week with me." Noah announced enthusiastically. Your eyes went wide and your ice cream dropped off the spoon. "All you need to do is go to our website and post your favourite line from the show. The winner will be announced in two weeks and the competition closes in a week."

The rest of the cast joined Noah speaking. "Good luck and Goodbye!" They all shouted and ended the live.

You went onto the website as fast as you could and put your favourite quote from the first series- "If the clock strikes midnight and I'm not a princess anymore then what does that truly make me?" The quote was before the main character became a right bitch and made you want to spoon her eyes out.

Two weeks later and the cast were doing a live stream again. This time it was just Rey and Noah. "Have you decided on a winner of the competition yet?" They were reading out comments left on the live.

"Okay drum roll please!" Noah shouted and Rey started tapping her legs with her hands. "And the winner is Miss Y/N L/N with her comment of 'If the clock strikes midnight and I'm not a princess anymore then what does that truly make me?' from series one episode 4. If you are watching this Miss L/N we will be sending you all of the details shortly."

Two weeks later and you were packed and ready to go. Your mum drove you to the airport where you got on the plane on the way to the place the set was on. When your plane landed you walked to the entrance to see screaming girls crowded into one corner. Two men in black suits came running through the door getting the girls away. You looked back over to where the crowd was to see Noah standing there with a sign. That sign read Y/N L/N.

You walked over to Noah. "Hi, my name's Y/N." You called happily.

"Well my name's Noah, and I would just like to congratulate you on winning the competition. I thought we could drop your stuff off at my place and then go to the set? If that's alright with you of course." He was so cute.

"Yeah I'm good with anything!" And you followed him out to his car. You put your stuff in the trunk and followed him round to the passenger side where he held the door open for you. You climbed in as he walked around the front and got in himself.

Noah switched on the radio and one of your favourite songs came on. You sat there nodding your head when suddenly Noah started singing so you sang along with him.

When you got to the studio you clambered out laughing at a joke he told you. "I never saw you to be the funny type." You admitted.

"I get that a lot. I think it has to do with the more serious rolls I do." Noah had a point. "I think in this show I get to be myself a lot more and show my funny side!" You slightly laughed and followed him into the studio.

"Ah you must be miss Y/N. My name is Rey Norriss, welcome to the studio!" Rey cheered. You laughed and shook her hand.

"So today everybody we are shooting Noah's entry scene which does not include Jules!" Shouted the director.

Noah beckoned you over to him. "Y/N if you sit here while we shoot the scene. I'll come and get you after and then we can go out for lunch?" You nodded and jumped into his chair.

After the scene was over and perfected you found yourself back in Noah's car, heading towards Prezzo. "So what do you want?" he asked before he ordered for the both of you.

"Can I please have a medium margarita with a lemonade?" You asked. The waitress then came over and Noah ordered for you both.

After lunch you went back to his apartment to watch a movie.

The week soon ended but you stayed in touch. He flew you over for weeks at a time but those weeks shortly turned into months. Noah flew you out on a special day.

That day had been a year since you met. He took you out to Prezzo and ordered you what you had ordered on the day you met. Over dinner you talked about various things. "Now Y/N I have asked you here today to tell you that I have been in love with you since that week we met. I love your wit and humour and how you see good in almost everyone you meet." He walked over to you. "What I'm trying to say is will you give me the honour of dating you?"

You had been waiting for that since you saw his first movie. You let out a tear. You were about to live the dream that most girls had since they were teenagers. "Yes." You whispered softly. You jumped into his arms and continued the date in the exact same format as how you first met.

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