#1 𝙛𝙖𝙣

463 13 0

Y/F/N = your friends name 

You were pretty sure you knew everything about volleyball by now – all thanks to noah. The first volleyball game of the season, you were there in the bleachers, holding up a sign that said 'GO NOAH #12!', and you made sure you were always the loudest one.

Afterwards when they had won, noah would always meet up with you and spin you in circle, ecstatic they had one. Your friends thought he liked you too.

"He always looks for you before he serves the ball! He totally likes you!" Y/F/N had exclaimed, happily chewing on her chocolate bar. "He's probably looking at the coach or something, we usually sit a couple bleachers ahead , remember?" You shook off the thought that noah possibly liked you according to Y/F/N.

The next games you made sure to keep a close eye on noah, and sure enough Y/F/N was right. noah always looked for you in the crowds, and when he spotted you, he looked less nervous.

noah took another deep breath and bounced the volleyball a couple times before tossing it in the air with his right hand and jumping up to serve with his other hand.

The ball successfully flew over the net and on to the other side and you let out a loud cheer, deeply engrossed in the game. The game continued on. noah was now an attacker, on offense, taking every chance to strike the ball and he seemed to score a point each time the ball was passed to him.

You could see the college scouts sitting a few sits to the right in front of you. "Go noah!" You let out a loud cheer. Ten minutes later and the score was set 25-20. Your school had won! The crowd went wild and you were jumping up and down from excitement.

You run down the bleachers and go to noah who was looking for you. "Good job noah! You were amazing!" You gushed out, showing your admiration. his eyes lit up as he mumbled a quick thanks and wrapped you in a big hug.

Your eyes went wide and you were shocked, but you returned the hug anyways.


You made sure to attend all upcoming volleyball games in attempt that noah would possibly notice how much you cared for him. "Are you going to the volleyball game today, Y/N?" noah had asked while you two were walking to the cafeteria.

"No, I don't think so." You fluently lied. Of course you were going to go. "Wait what?" noah abruptly stopped and turned to look at you, his arm extended out to stop you from walking farther.

"You have to go, Y/N! Seeing you calms my nerves and you're like my cute little good luck charm! Please go! I'll do anything!" noah dramatically exclaimed, bending down on one knee, his hands clasped together.

You rolled your eyes, "Stand up noah! I was just kidding, of course I'm going. It's the semifinals! Why would I miss that?" You shook your head and smiled softly at him.


The last game of the season was a close one. You were anxiously watching your high school play against the rival team, who were really good. Last season they won first, and now you hoped noah would help lead your school to victory.

You nervously shook your leg up and down quickly, waiting for the opposing team to serve the ball. noah looked tired. He stayed in most of the time, with little breaks, but he was leading the team to win.

Currently the score was 23-24, your high school in the lead by one point. noah was on offense, right in the middle. His eyebrows were scrunched in concentration. The opposing team served the ball, noah's teammate managed to set the ball up, letting noah to take a chance and spike it.

You let out a groan as the other team blocked the set. They set it up to attack but another teammate of noah's team blocked it, setting it up before #16 went to spike it.

The other team dug the ball and went in for the shot. noah dived to get it but missed by an inch. The referee called the point and you were getting more nervous as you know noah had worked so hard to earn this.

noah glanced over at you and you gave him a supporting double thumbs up and a look of encouragement. he nodded and was set back in to game mode. It was 24-24. One more point and one or the other team would win.

The opposing team served again. Someone set it, while the another bumped it, and noah slammed his palm in to the ball trying to score the point. The other team prevented the ball from touching the ground, setting the pass up before hitting it to your team.

You cover your eyes with your hand, only peeking through when needed. You were super nervous. The ball was volleyed a couple times back and forth between the two teams, no one was able to score a point.

noah took the chance when he saw it. Another teammate set it up and noah jumped up and spiked the ball to the other side. A player on the opposing team dove for the ball, but sadly was a couple centimeters off and the ball hit the floor. A loud whistle was blown.

Suddenly the room was in loud cheers except with some groans and boos. noah had done it! He won for your team! You stood up cheering loudly while noah looked through the crowd to find you. You ran down the steps while noah had his arms wide open.

You ran to him and jumped in his arms and he spun you in a circle and your lips were pulled in to a very wide grin. He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek, "Thanks for being my number one fan, Y/N." He gave a shy smile.

"You noticed?"

"Of course. Your cheering always helped me play better, and here we are." He hugged you once more. "Listen Y/N. I really dig you, and it would kill if you would be my girlfriend."

"Did you just ask me out with volleyball puns?"


"Well then I'd love to set up a date between us sometime soon, preferably as boyfriend and girlfriend."

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