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(Two days later)
Cole and I were sitting on the couch watching a movie. Well I was he was working on his laptop.
"I'm starving..." I groaned.
"K" he mumbled not paying attention.
"COLLLLEEEE" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
His eyes widened and the laptop almost fell off his lap.
"WhatTheHellIsWrongWithYou?!" He said really fast, only making me laugh harder.
"Did justin not explain to you that you don't scream bloody murder unless you fuckin see bloody murder" he said, his eyes till wide.
"Did Justin not tell you not to starve me?" I questioned, my laughs dying down.
His eyes narrowed and he sighed, motioning me to the kitchen.
As I followed behind I put myself on the counter and smiled, poking my tongue in the corner if my mouth.
"I win. Again."
"You don't win!" He argued.
"I so do! I said I was hungry and your making me food right?"
"Wrong," he said piling pizza making suplies on the counter. "You are"
I shake my head and laugh sarcastically.
"Your joking right? What am I your chef?"
He breathes in and bites his lip before tinting towards the counter. I try to peak over him but it's useless with his towering height.
He turns back towards me but keeps a hand behind his back.
"Fine, we'll do it together. Step one," he started removing his closed fist from behind him. "The dough" he brought his fist up and the next thing I knew my fave was covered in white flour.
"Oh you are dead Mandela" I hissed.
I reached for the flour but he grabbed it and put it on the top shelf.
"Asshole" I mumbled crossings my arms like a five year old.
He chuckled deeply, a chuckle that reminded me of Justin, and out one arm around my shoulder making me lean down.
"Awe don't be grumpy sis," he joked, making me smile genuinely. I nudged his side and poked my tongue out, slipping from his grip.
"C'mon! I'm still starving here boi!" My hands clapped and I took out two individual pizza crusts.
"Wait wait-" he said reaching and grabbing something from one of the counter drawers.
I fake gasped and put a hand over my heart.
"Oh my god bad dark mean cole listens to music while making home made food!" I gasped yet again.
"You tell anyone and-" I cut him off by reaching up and squeezing his cheeks.
"Aw don't worry coley, your seecwets safe with me" I teased.
He shoved my hand off and took out his iphone, grey, and very similar to Justin's.
"Give it here" I said taking the apple product from his hands.
"Um excuse me?" He said standing confused as I giggled and put on a guilty pleasure song.
How to love- lil wayne
As my friend used to say 'old but gold'
I turned it older and Coles eyebrow flicked up.
"You listen to this?"
"What you think I listen to Taylor swift and teeny bop music?" I sassily stuck a hand on my hip and mimicked his eyebrow action.
"Oh get out of the way" he said moving past and grabbing the pizza sauce
I bobbed my head and opened the fridge grabbing some mushrooms.
"You like mushrooms on your pizza?" He scrunched his face up, setting the bottle on the countertop.
"Yeah, why?"
His eyebrows slowly unfurrowed.
"Their, like, slimy"
I squinted my eyes and squirted some sauce on.
"They are not their delicious!"
He shook his head and scooped up some pre shredded cheese, and scattered it on top, just like I was doing.
"Agree to disagree" he said, putting a long focus on placing cheese on crust.
"I win again" I whispered.
He parted his lips to argue but left it again.
We scattered, pepperoni green peppers- bacon for him, mushrooms for me- onto them and then placed them in the oven.
"Now what?" I said rhetorically.
"We wait" he answered.
"No shot Sherlock"
"Damn gomez doesn't have a filter"
"Don't make me hit you Mandela," I said using his last name.
"Let's just go finish whatever you were watching" he said disappearing beind the door. I stood and my jaw dropped slightly.
"I knew you weren't watching!" I yelled throwing my arms up.
"That pizza actually didn't suck" I said, throwing the crust of the last but into my plate.
"Agreed," cole sighed closing his eyes.
"Hey no! Wake up grandpa!"
"I'm not old!" He defends.
"Then prove it!"
"And how must I do that gomez?"
I brimmed excitedly, "let's play a game
"Okay, nevermind I'm old" he said closing his eyes once again.
"Collleeee" I groaned
"I don't play games selena" he groaned also, opening his lazy eyes and looking at me.
"But-" I got cut off by his phone ringing.
He lifted it and smirked at me.
"It's Justin."
My grin came out but I tried to hide it. His growing smirk showed me it was too late.
"Wanna talk to him?" He offered bringing the phone closer to his ear.
I nodded, hiding a blush.
"Nope!" Cole jumped up and answered.
My jaw dropped and my eyes widened.
He chuckled and answered- still standing on the couch, and he held one arm out to push my away with.
"Hey man what's up?"
I heard Justin's mumble over the other line, and u longed for his clear voice in my deprived ears.
"Cool cool,"
I gave a stern glare at cole, only making him attempt to hold in a laugh.
"Oh Selena?"
My eyes widened and I jumped.
"Give it!!!!" I groaned lunging for it.
"Oh uh she's-"
"RIGHT HERE!" I screamed hopefully loud enough do Justin to hear.
Cole glared at me then turned it into a frown.
"Seriously? Fine, here gomez so wants to talk to you. for some reason" cole rolled his eyes and finally the contact with Justin landed in my hands.
I ran into the kitchen and lenses against the countertop.
Just as I was about to greet him, he beat me to it.
"Hey pretty girl" a crimson colour raised to my cheeks and a smile etched itself on it too.
"Hi jay," I whispered in case cole was listening.
"How are you doing?" He asked quietly.
I pondered the different options of what to say.
"Okay, I miss you though." I finally decided.
Though I couldn't see me, I have a feeling he was smiling. Probably leaning against a doorframe with one hand shoved into the pocket of his jeans. His leg probably crossed over the other. Weird how you just kinda know someone.
"Oh selena, I won't be gone that much longer" he responded with a little chuckle.
I turned on the heels of my foot a bit and looked out of the window.
"I know but still, besides it's so boring without you guys. COLE IS SO BORING!" I made sure to yell the last bit.
Justin gave another chuckle; a more obvious one, and sighed.
"Watch a movie, Coles a little old, like Brandon"
I heard a yell from his side- probably from Brandon, making him laugh.
"I can't justin, the two of us basically watched every movie known to man kind together" I knew I could probably find another movie but I just wanted an excuse to keep talking to him. did I need one?
"Then make cole do something with you."
"He refuses, Maybe you should come home early" I blushed knowing I just admitted I wanted him here. and that this was home.
"Home" he whispered.
"Give the phone to cole or better yet, put me on speakerphone" I nodded even though he couldn't see me.
"Oh, coley!!!!" I shouted using the horrid nickname he hated. Also making justi laugh.
"What do you want now?" Cole groaned stepping into the kitchen. "Finsing talking to lover boy?" He smirked, unaware if the fact that justin was on speakerphone.
"Eh ehm" justin cleared his throat.
"Cole play with selena" he instructed.
"I don't want toooooo" cole whined.
"Do it cole, it's not that hard. I gotta go but do something with her," justin said.
"Fine" a huff came from Coles mouth and I put the phone back to my ear as cole walked out.
"You really gotta go?"
"Yeah sorry babe,"
"It's fine.ill see you soon?"
"Bye sel,"
The line went dead and I smiled at it, then skipped to a very unhappy blonde 25 year old.
"Aw don't frown coley!!" I punched his cheek.
"Don't call me that."
"C'mon let's find something to do" I said after a roll of my eyes.
"I'm only doing this cause your Justin's girl" he sighed walking upstairs. I blushed and smiled them followed him up.
Justin's girl.
"Where are you going?"
I shirt he's and followed him up.
This was a place I didn't think if have to go to again. Hopefully not for the same reason but I doubt justin would to that, he's different now.
I shook the thought away and joined a kneeling cole on the floor who was looking through many boxes.
"Okay, let's see, GTA, Simpsons road rage, a dock/ karaoke machine, sorry, just dance, COD, pictionary" he labeled shuffling through the box of games.
"Simpsons!!" I yelped.
"Cool," he grabbed all the video games and we went back downstairs.
"I'm gonna put my pj's on first." I informed him, running back to justin and I's room.
I- for the third night with him in a row- pulled on Justin's grey shirt, my pink pj bottoms, booties, and a grey and pink 'pink' zip up hoodie.
I rushed downstairs and joined cole on the couch, who handed me a controller.
"I wanna be Bart" he called.
"Well well lookey here old cole Mandela till has a children's heart." I joked choosing professor Frink as my character.
We raced and played till about 11:30 p.m.
I know bad.
I wished him goodnight and carried myself to the half empty bed. I snuggled into our pillows and managed to fall asleep once again without my guy.
So there's another chapter.
What was your favourite part?
I think mines when cole said 'sis' and they played around like kids:)

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