Go 一 Taking Chances, Trusting Psychos, Fo Reals

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        Itachi paced the hallway anxiously, hands in his signature Otagakure Sanitarium, boring grey sweat pants. His onyx eyes would watch everyone who went past him as he waited for [Name] to come to the cafeteria, the girl couldn't pass up coming to the cafeteria every day, so he knew she would be here, eventually.

        When said girl finally came into the hallway he was pacing, he hurriedly ran up to her. She smiled at him, "Seems like you're glad to see me, huh big sexy?" She wiggled her eyebrow for emphasis and Itachi smirked in return.


        His response made her cheeks flush in embarrassment and her [e/c] eyes looked everywhere but at Itachi. He knew she had been joking, thus he reiterated in a joking truth. He chuckled, when [Name] decided to finally look at him, her hand came out to grasp his upper arm and pull him closer to her.

        "Uchiha, I have to tell you something, later tonight. I can trust you, right?"

        "Of course you can trust me," was his response. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion at her words.

        "Okay, come to my room tonight."

* * *

        Itachi walked slowly down the dark hallways of the sanitarium, dodging night guards by hiding in the shadows until he reached [Name]'s room. And, like the first time he came to her room, she surprised him by hastily grabbing him and pulling him into her room. Her light was off, the lamp was even off tonight. When she pulled him inside she quickly shut and locked her door while Itachi stayed leaning against the wall. [Name] was so close to him that he could feel her warm breath fanning out over his clothed chest.

        His name came whispered passed her lips and she leaned on to the balls of her feet to get closer to his ear, still whispering to the Uchiha she then began to tell him what she had intended to tell him from the start.

        "Remember when I told you that I was going to escape from this place?" Her breath hit his ear and he involuntarily shivered.


        "Well, I've started Plan A," she let a giggle pass her lips and to soften it she put her hand to her mouth.

        "Plan A? So, I'm assuming that you have more than one plan to use for your escape? In case something goes wrong," he whispered along with her, and even though her close proximity was making his heart beat furiously against his chest, he smirked at her.

        "Duh, we need to be prepared." [Name] rolled her eyes in the dark, even though Itachi couldn't see her. When she noticed how close she was to the Uchiha she got unnerved and moved to step back, but when she did she tripped and reached out to grip Itachi's black shirt. She blushed when she felt his arms wrap around her waist. "Sorry," she said before finally moving back.

        "It's fine." Itachi wanted to laugh softly, but his inflamed cheeks was the constant reminder of her touching him. He thanked *Kami that her room was encompassed in darkness. He heard her rustling through the darkness and then the click of her turning her bedside lamp on. She sat down on her bed and patted the spot beside her, motioning for Itachi to sit by her. When he took his place beside her, and his leg bumped against her, he looked up at her, waiting for her to tell him the rest. Her cheeks had a permanent blush upon them. 

        She coughed to clear her throat, "So, hm, how to say this?" She smiled sheepishly and nervously scratched the back of her head. "You might get mad at me when I tell you this..." 

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