Jū 一 Hello, Brother

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        It had been three, very long, very quiet days since [Name] [Surname] had escaped the Otagakure Sanitarium. And in those three days so much had happened that Itachi's yearn to be anywhere else but there, outweighed every other emotion he was experiencing. He had never been so numb in his life, but he figured that was because he wasn't seeing her everyday.

        He exhaled a long sigh and placed his arms behind his head. He was lying down in his room, once again staring up at a repetitive ceiling from a somewhat comfortable lying down position on his bed. Oh yeah, and his door was locked. Kabuto, who was now the sanitarium's new boss, had made sure that his room stayed locked. 'Don't want you planning another escape, Uchiha', were his words, and they were on repeat in his mind. What was he going to do when he was locked up anyway?

        There was no way he could get out of his room even if he wanted to, he didn't really care if he was let out at this point or not. His meals and everything else that he needed was brought to him and if, if he left his room, he was treated like all the other crazies in the place. Straitjacket city.

        His mind whirled with thoughts of [Name]. What was she doing now that she was out? Probably nothing too extravagant. Every news channel was playing the same monotonous story about how the previous owner, with his lacking defense and inadequate employees, let his most insane patients escape the sanitarium before Kabuto Yakushi caught and apprehended them.

        What a bunch of crap.

        A picture of everyone that tried to escape that night, accompanying their names, were pasted on every damn TV in the nations, alongside [Name] [Surname], the only patient that managed to escape.

        Itachi still had a difficult time accepting that Kabuto had went back on his word and lied to them, but it wasn't surprising in the slightest. And the image of a crying and panicked [Name] plagued his mind every second of every lonely hour.

        Itachi's attention was then brought to the sound of his door unlocking, he turned his head slightly to the side to see who it was. It wasn't time for food yet, so his curiosity was pricked. His onyx optics watched as none other than his younger brother, Sasuke Uchiha, walked inside his room with a smirk on his face. Itachi's eyes narrowed and paid very close attention to him, as Sasuke waved nonchalantly to the guard that accompanied him. Sasuke signaled for the guard to wait outside the door, resulting in the guard to take his place outside the door, back turned away from them. Sasuke stayed where he was, hands in the front pockets of his expensive black dress pants, he made sure to stay a good distance away from Itachi. 

        Itachi observed him, he definitely looked older, more mature. But, regrettably, Itachi noted how snobbish he came off. Money had certainly changed him. Itachi swung his legs over the side of his bed and straightened his back as he stared at Sasuke.

        What a turn of events. He would have never guessed that his little brother would ever come to see him. He hadn't in the last five years. Itachi decided that he must be here because of the attempted escape. The oldest brother smirked, which caused Sasuke's lips to form a frown as he scoffed at Itachi.

        "Hello, brother. It's been a while hasn't it? What, five years, since you killed our entire family?" Sasuke glanced around the dull room that confined his older brother and sneered in disgust. Then Itachi replied without hinting at his accusation.

        "It has been a while, little brother. To what do I owe this... pleasure?"

         Sasuke's face was void of any emotion as he stared hard at Itachi. He was silent for a whole minute, like he was debating on what to say to Itachi. Finally, he spoke, "I saw how you were among the ones that tried to escape the sanitarium three days ago. Thankfully you failed, but it looks like the girl got out. Are you close to her?" 

        Itachi thought carefully on his next words. If he knew Sasuke well enough, which he did, then Sasuke was trying to see if he, or anyone else, should watch out for [Name]. They didn't need to watch out for her, she was probably long gone by now, but Itachi played it cautious. Sasuke knowing they were even the slightest bit close to one another would only result in trouble for [Name], and that was far from what Itachi wanted for her. 

        "No, I'm not."

        Sasuke's onyx colored gaze hardened even more and narrowed at Itachi, undoubtedly trying to figure out if his brother was lying to him or not, but Itachi's impassive facial expression told him that he didn't have anything to worry about.

        "That's all I wanted to know. I also wanted to tell you, that if you plan on trying to escape again, it won't work. I've had Yakushi crack down hard on security. Not to mention, I gave him some advice; to hire more capable personnel." With that, Sasuke simply turned around and made for the door, he wasn't expecting Itachi to speak back up again. Well, at least he was hoping he woudn't.

        "Little brother-"

        Sasuke didn't turn around, but his voice was laced with anger as he spit out his next words, "I'm not your brother anymore! You killed our whole family, Itachi! You and I both died that day as well." His pale hand reached out for the door knob. However, before he could turn it Itachi abruptly stood from his spot on the bed, determined to have his last remaining family member to believe him. 

        "Sasuke, I didn't kill our family. Mada-"

        Not wanting to hear another word, Sasuke quickly turned the knob and opened the door. Before leaving he spoke words that made Itachi's heart pang with unmentionable hurt and anguish.

        "Lies. You disgust me, Itachi..."

        Immediately after Sasuke walked out the guard shut and locked the door. Before he departed, the guard made sure to sneer at Itachi through the glass. Itachi ignored him and was unresponsive as he sat back down on his bed and let another long painful sigh pass his lips. He leaned back to rest on his hands and then tilted his head up to look at the same dull ceiling. Unintentional tears slipped down his cheeks and fell onto the cold white sheets beneath him.

        Yes, this place was Hell. Yes, Sasuke's words and untrusting behavior killed him inside. But, more than anything, more than wanting to be out of here. He wanted to be near her, near [Name]. But, that was just selfish of him...

        And he couldn't help himself as he imagined her smiling at him, and her name came passed his lips in a hauntingly, painful whisper.


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Hello, my gorgeous readers!~ I would like to take the time to ask you, if you like my story, to go to the NaurtoWattys2015 page and vote for Mental Break in the Itachi Uchiha category, but again, that's only if you want to. I would really appreciate it though :) Xoxo

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