Hachi 一 Kabuto Yakushi, Bastardness 101

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        There was just something nerve-wrecking and fear inducing about waiting for bastard Kabuto to jump out of the shadows at her. She was on edge as she paced her darkened room with her arms crossed stubbornly over her chest and her eyes adverted to the floor. Every once in a while she would glance at the alarm clock beside her bed, for it to only mock her with slow time, showing her that only a minute had passed since she looked at it last.

        She sighed irritatingly and stopped her pacing. Kabuto was supposed to be here any minute now, but she was really tired of waiting. Her future, along with Itachi's, rested on whether or not Kabuto would go along with her plan. Though, knowing Kabuto he would definitely want something in return, she just wasn't sure what that something would be. Or even if he wanted anything..

        She jerked in surprise when her doorknob started turning, but she composed herself quickly so that she could show Kabuto that he didn't intimidate her. She straightened her back and watched as he walked closer to her, that damn smirk ever-present on his face. The lone lamp that was lighting up his facial features gave him an even more roguish look.

        She cleared her throat, "So you came."

        "Of course I came, I told you I was interested."

        She was nauseous, she was feeling weirded out, and everything else, but she wasn't going to show that to him. Instead she opted to show her bad ass persona, stepped a little closer to him and began to explain.

        "Okay, I know I'm going out on a very thin thread telling you any of this," she took a deep calming breath, "but, I need your genius expertise." Her lips went into a straight line, her tongue burned from falsely complimenting him. She wanted to punch him in the throat for that stupid smirk on his face. Did it ever go away?!

        She could have swore she seen his eyes glint from behind his glasses, "Hm. Every word that comes passed your lips makes me even more interested. Please, explain fully to me why you would need me to help you, and of course if I would get anything out of it."

        ...Shit. Damn. Fu-

        "Okay. Well-"

        She was cut off as the door to her room opened causing her and Kabuto to became rigid. Her eyes widened considerably when she seen Itachi walk in and shut the door behind him, his face serious and expressionless.

        "Itachi what the hell are you doing here?!"

        Itachi's onyx eyes traveled to look at Kabuto before he walked over to her side and answered her in a hushed tone, Kabuto watching all the while. "I hadn't seen you since last night, I assumed you were up to something involving the plan. When I seen him in your room, I panicked and walked in. Sorry, I know you planned on doing this yourself."

        [Name] wanted to be mad at Itachi, she really did, but just seeing him look at her like he was, and knowing that for the first time in her life someone seemed worried about her, she felt happy. She smiled at him, "Eh, we are comrades. Let's do this." She then looked to Kabuto, who was staring at Itachi.

        "I didn't know that your boyfriend was involved in this..." He said with a dry tone. "I'm certain, that since you have Uchiha Itachi's expertise, then you definitely do not need mine." He turned to walk away.

        "Wait!! We need you, we can't do this without you..." [Name] cursed herself for how her voice came out in a weak plea. But, her showing her long disappeared weak side, again, just made an intense smirk curl the corner of his lips.

        He turned back around to face her, making sure his face held no emotion, "Well, explain. I'll give you five minutes. If I don't like what you're saying then I'm reporting you to Lord Orochimaru and you'll both be closely monitored for the rest of your stay."

     [Name] grit her teeth in annoyance and she thought she was going to puke from being threatened like this. What if Kabuto laughed and done exactly as he said? Her uneasiness didn't go unnoticed by Itachi, he put a comforting hand to her shoulder to urge her on and gave her a nod. She nodded back, Itachi had just strengthened her wavering resolve.

        "We're planning on breaking out of here and we need your help to do so, otherwise it won't work." Kabuto tried to speak his disagreement, but she continued on, determined to have him help them. "Of course you won't be helping us for nothing, there are other patients here, dangerous ones, that are helping us as well, I never intended on letting them escape with us and lied to them. You can be there when we get close to the gates, stop them, get credit for doing so, and then let me and Itachi free."

        The room was silent for the longest of times, when Kabuto didn't say anything and just stared at [Name] and Itachi, the Uchiha decided to sweeten the deal. "You've always wanted to best Orochimaru, now would be your time to do so. Escaping patients would make him look terrible at his job, you catching them would get you his job. Win, win, right?"

        The silence ensued awkwardly around them, causing [Name] to gulp nervously and her hand to tremble. Itachi saw this and grabbed onto her hand, not only was [Name] completely shocked at his action, but so was he. And apparently Kabuto as well. Damn bastard.

        "I see. Who are these patients, [Surname]?" He crossed his arms over his chest and stared her down, which only made her even more nervous, but she refused to show any more weakness to Kabuto. 

        "Three others, Hidan, Sasori and Deidara." 

        "Wow. Those are the most dangerous ones in the entire sanitarium. You know, lying to them and getting them purposefully caught isn't going to get you into their good graces. They'll be beyond angry."

        "I know they will, but it's their fault for trusting me..."

        "...Where is this escape supposed to take place?"

        Her [e/c] eyes narrowed at him, "Does this mean you're going to help me execute the escape?"

        "...Like Uchiha Itachi stated; I've always wanted to best Lord Orochimaru. So, when?"

        She couldn't believe this was actually happening! It was working?!

      "Two days from now, we'll start at midnight. We need you to be at the gates with a few trustworthy guards at 12:15, no later."

        Kabuto smirked, "I do believe we have a deal, Miss [Surname]."

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