Ni ⇀ Welcome To The Jungle

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    Here he was, at this stupid 'mandatory' meeting. Sadly, Otagakure Sanitarium held one every six months; the reason being that they wanted to introduce the patients to each other. Truthfully it was just a facade because in reality they were just warning them. However this year was one for the books because they had the most dangerous patients together and under one roof. Yeah, they definitely needed the warning. But, it didn't stop Itachi from slouching down and relaxing in his plastic, uncomfortable white chair and crossing his arms as his charcoal gaze followed every movement made; he was bored out of his mind but still cautiously on-guard. He couldn't not pay attention to his surroundings, cause let's face it, even though the most dangerous ones were still confined to their straight-jackets and watched closely by the personnel, he didn't want to take any chances on getting attacked.

        So far he hadn't seen the fierce and intimidating girl from last night, yet. Nevertheless, he had witnessed creepy laughter, threats made to all of the staff, and other very bored patients all in the span of a few hours. Kabuto Yakushi sat in the middle pf the group circle looking haughty with his better-than-thou look on his smug ass-of- a-face as he observed the patients around him and wrote notes on his stupid clipboard...

        "We're still waiting on a very self reluctant woman to join us." A nauseating smirk upturned the corner of Kabuto's lips. When his onyx eyes looked behind Itachi and toward the door, his smile grew supercilious. "The woman of the hour! We were just talking about you. Now, we can get started... [Name], why don't you have a seat?" He motioned to the seat directly opposite of him.

        Itachi's eyes followed her, and everyone else's did as well, as she strode across the floor and flopped herself in the seat directly across from Itachi's instead. She pulled her hood up over her head tying it close to her face to hide from the many stares scrutinizing her, and then crossed her arms stubbornly over her chest.

        Kabuto's exasperated voice spoke out to her as soon as she made herself comfortable. "I apologize [Name], but you're meeting new people today, if you would be so kind to remove your hood from your head."

        She never moved an inch, instead she replied obstinately, "I'm cold... I'd prefer it on."

        Kabuto's facial expression changed to annoyance for a split-second before he quickly forced a fake smile and he spoke to her through a condescending tone of voice, "It wasn't a question, I was telling you to do so.

        This time she slowly took the hood off her head and ran a hand through her hair, making sure to subtly throw her middle finger up before running it through. She replied with a sarcastic, "Yes, master," before rolling her eyes. She uninterestingly picked at her chipped black nail polish uncaring about her surroundings.

        "I like this bitch. What's your nam-" The grey haired man was cut off as Kabuto interrupted got down to business. The aforementioned man huffed.

        "We will now get on with the pleasantries of letting you all introduce yourselves. This is for the people who are new here and for the ones returning," he leered at [Name] but she ignored him entirely, which seemed to piss him off, "You will all still be going through this whole meeting. Not only will you tell your name to us, but you will also give us a brief description as to why you are here." At this [Name]'s attention was brought to Kabuto, she looked displeased as she stared him down, but Kabuto remained impassive with only the smirk on his lips showing he had noticed the change in her demeanor. He flipped through some of his papers in a nearby folder.

        Itachi's interest had deepened and he was beyond curious as to what her reason for being here was, however, he understood more than anyone why she didn't want her business spread to a bunch of insane strangers all just so Kabuto could gloat a silent victory. As the introductions commenced, Itachi's attention was solely on [Name]. He watched as she looked down and twiddled her thumbs anxiously. The voices around him became tuned out and ignored as he observed her features. If he was honest he'd even say she was attractive. From some of the things he noticed about her, he realized that she was more than likely hiding more than her nervousness of being open to them. He also noticed little scars here and there, some on her lower arms, fingers, one on her neck. Cut marks, maybe? Like someone intentionally marred her skin. She'd looked as if she had been through hell.

        Itachi's attention was finally moved to Kabuto when he loudly cleared his throat and spoke to him, for the second time, when his eyes moved back to [Name], she looked at him with a furrowed brow.

        "Itachi, I said, introduce yourself and tell us why you're here.."

        Itachi blinked a couple of times, his eyes bravely staying on [Name] as he sighed and began speaking, "My name is Itachi Uchiha. I'm apparently a mass murderer. Hide your family." He watched [Name]'s reaction, her face lit up at the sarcastic joke and she laughed. Itachi slightly grinned her way, happy he had caught her attention. Plus, she looked better when she smiled.

        [Name]'s laugh snatched Kabuto's attention, his face becoming enigmatic as he stared blankly at her. "Well, [Name], you sound like you want some attention. How about you introduce yourself to the group."

        Her [e/c] eyes held his black ones and her eyebrows rose. "Well, bastard, you partially just introduced me to this..." she pondered for a more fitting word, "deranged group. Name is [Name] [Surname]. The reason I'm in here is that I was found on my bathroom floor, from an intentional suicide that got rudely interrupted. I'd rather be on the other side right now smoking some aces with some demons than to be experiencing this hell hole again, one hell for another, I suppose God has a sense of humor at least. And I couldn't be less interested in 'getting to know' you people, you all can fuck yourselves. Especially you, my dear friend. " She took her middle finger and kissed it before pointing it at Kabuto.

        Hidan made no effort to conceal a laugh and Kabuto's anger rose to the highest level humanly possible. Itachi couldn't help but to chuckle himself. She was interesting.

        "Well, we'll end here today.." Kabuto gathered his files and his annoying, bland clipboard and made his way out of the room, over his limit with how much he could take from this group. Itachi watched as Hidan stood up from his chair and started making his way to [Name], he was about to intervene, but didn't have to considering the staff hurriedly ran up and grabbed Hidan by his shoulders. He blew air kisses at her before they took him away. She just rolled her eyes in turn.

        Everyone else broke off as well, Deidara looked as interested as Hidan, thankfully no one else tried to approach her. They wouldn't have had the chance to regardless, as she stood up and started making her way out of the room as well. Itachi followed her from a safe distance walking beside her, she spared a subtle glance at him before he started talking to her.

        "Fun wasn't it? I never meet up with people here unless I have to. I thought Hidan was going to personally introduce himself to you."

        She laughed and her face, once again lit up. "I probably would have kicked him in the jewels and just left. The staff kept his nuts intact. Itachi, right?"

        He smiled, "Yeah.."

        The conversation died off and [Name] was the one who broke it. "Well, you seem like one of the more sane people I've ever met here. Can hold a conversation at least. Maybe we can be friends -- or something?"

        "I feel the same about you. I would like that, it gets boring in here." A small smile graced his lips and he looked over at her again; she was smiling at him.

        "You'll realize what an understatement that is once you get to know me. But since we're 'friends' now, maybe I'll see you out and about every now and then?"

        "You may."

        She walked away from him, waving before she was out of his sight. Yeah, maybe he would come out of his room more often. He was still highly curious about her. What he didn't know, was that he had made an impression on her as well.

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