Yon 一 Face to Face with The Devil

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      [Name] hid in the shadows as she took in her surroundings, watching and listening for movements near her. Tonight she could not be caught by the dumb nightly security guards. She was on a mission; one she hadn't even told Itachi about, yet. This mission was dangerous and insane enough to be a solid reason why she should be in a place like this in the first place.

        She unconsciously held her breath as she moved slightly to look around the corner and towards her destination, when she seen the security guard go around the farthest corner away from her she let out a sigh and sprinted as fast as she could down the hallway. Not only was she hiding from the sanitarium's faculty, but she was hiding from Itachi's eyes as well. She did not want the Uchiha to know where she was going, not until she told him about her plan and figured out the details.

        When she reached the door number she was searching for she hastily fished through her scrub-pants pocket for the key to the room she had stolen. As soon as the door was unlocked she hastily jerked it open and went inside. At first she waited with her back up against the door, breathing in deeply and trying to calm her heart down as her [e/c] eyes tried to adjust and search through the darkness for who she was looking for. She didn't have to search long before she was met with a cynical voice.

        "You're more than a hot piece of ass if you can make it into my room, bitch," a laugh echoed throughout the room and she swallowed thickly, hoping her voice didn't come out cracked and nervous. 'Cause let's be honest, she was terrified.

        When she couldn't make herself speak up she cursed under her breath. Her entire body went rigid when she felt a warm breath on her neck. She didn't move fast enough and was introduced to a very wet and unwanted tongue trailing down the side of her neck, she gagged and pushed him away from her.

        "You nasty, sick fuck! What the hell are you doing?" She half whispered, half yelled as she walked a safe distance away from Hidan. Maybe this was a really bad idea? Did she think this through enough?

        "Aren't you sneaking into my room so we can have some kinky, straight-jacket sex?"

        She was so freaking glad that she couldn't see all of his face through the darkness of his room, he better be glad that her eyes hadn't adjusted yet or he would have gotten a fast kick to his groin.

        She wanted to vomit, from the nerves or him in general she didn't know but she refrained; didn't wanna make him mad before she even got to asking him for her favor. She cleared her throat and finally began talking, "I'm not here for that. But I do need a favor from you. Wait, not a favor, kinda like I scratch your back, you scratch mine?"

        "Hopefully this is leading to something kinky, otherwise I'm not interested. What the fuck happened to your fiery personality?" He walked a little closer to her and she tried her best not to take a step back. "You should know if you're nice to me, I'm just going to take advantage of you." At least he was honest. "You only have one thing I want, peaches. So whatever the hell you think you can do for me that I can't do for myself, then-"

        "You're wrong. I do have something." She readied her resolve and took a few steps closer to him, causing him to smirk at her. "Not long from now I'm escaping this place for good. I've already got a plan set into motion to get out of here and I'm in the process of making that happen right now. I know how to get out, I just need your help." She unintentionally stopped breathing and her eyes narrowed at him, watching his reaction. Hoping that she could trust him enough not to blab her secret to Orochimaru or Kabuto.

        A few long, quiet minutes passed before he laughed again, "And what about that Uchiha boyfriend of yours, he helping?"

        Her cheeks heated at the mention of Itachi being her boyfriend, she brushed it off as needless embarrassment; she didn't like Itachi that way, she loved Kai, probably. "Uchiha will be helping me, I just haven't mentioned it to him, yet..."

        "HA! I'm the first? Makes me feel damn well special." He bit his bottom lip and walked closer to her, making the few feet between them disappear in an instant. The close proximity to Hidan was making her edgy and anxious to get out of here, thank God he had that confining jacket on..

        Hidan watched her, waited for her to make a reaction to anything, hoping her fierceness would come out of her at any moment. When he finally realized that she wasn't going to show him a reaction he huffed and walked over to sit on his bed. "You're fucking boring when you're like this.."

        "I'm not here to entertain you."

        Her comment made him chuckle in amusement, he watched her silently in the darkness before he spoke again, "Pity. So you want me to help you get the hell out of here. That still doesn't tell me exactly what you give me in return."

        [Name] decided that she needed to quit acting like a frightened little girl, so she walked over and sat beside Hidan, turning slightly his way so she could look him in the face. "I thought it was obvious. You do want to come with me, don't you?"

        Hidan's purple eyes narrowed at her in return, scanning over her from head to toe. "You expect me to believe that you're going to let bad ass me escape? Pft, yeah, right."

        [Name] stood up, she knew this wasn't going to be easy, but she couldn't make him believe her. Hell, if she were in his position she wouldn't believe her either. "Trust is essential if we're going to escape this hell hole. Either you're with me or you're not. Which is it?" She watched Hidan as he scrutinized her, waited with bated breath as the silence encircled around them, suffocating her. Finally his voice broke the silence.

        "Hell yeah I'm in, bitch."

        [Name] smirked, "That's all I needed to hear. I'll get back with you on the details, later." She felt a shiver run down her spine as she walked away from Hidan and out his door; locking it on the way. Relaxing immensely just from having the door in-between them once more.

        She knew this was going to be one difficult escape, but she did have a plan. One that no one but her, and eventually Itachi, would know about. If everything went her way that is.

        Unfortunately [Name] didn't watch for anything but roaming security guards on her way to her room, so she didn't notice a pair of onyx eyes observing her as she left the Jashinst's room.

        She'd have a lot of explaining to do later.

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