Jū san 一 Let's Hit Rewind

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AN: Guyyyyssss, guys!! I'm updating, finally! Pleases, don't kill meh! D: Peace offering with the sexayy Ita-kun on the side? *wiggles eyebrows suggestively* ;3

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     "[Name]," her name came past his lips in a pained whisper as disturbing thoughts of losing her tormented his mind and he quickly sought for a solution. Itachi quickly looked to his side to where Pein was shooting his gun out of the window like a pro. The ravenette shouted over the blaring of the gunshots and screeching tires to gain his attention, and once he knew he had Pein's attention the words went speedily past his lips, "Leader, you have to stop the car and let me out."

     Pein looked at him with deep questioning eyes and without actually voicing his words it was as if he was asking Itachi if he were serious.

     Itachi's onyx eyes promptly went back to [Name] and he stared unseeingly as the blood poured from her wound and out of her abdomen. Konan had taken his place and was holding pressure onto her injury as best as she could. Itachi's hands shook with fear and his breathing came out in hurried pants. He breathed in deeply, trying to calm himself, and then he tightened his shaking hands into fists.

     He'd been stuck in the asylum for years, and he had promised [Name] that they'd make it out of this hellhole together. He sighed and reached out to hold her hand one last time. Their memories together came rushing through his mind all in one go, he smiled at her painfully before leaning over, carefully, and kissing her forehead.

     "I'm sorry, it seems that I've lied to you without meaning to do so, [Name]," he whispered against her.

     The car was then lurched to a sudden stop and the tires screeched harshly against asphalt. Itachi immediately straightened his posture and directed his attention to Pein, whom was now looking at him with a grim expression.

     "Itachi, I'm sure you know, but if you go back there you won't be coming back to her. Is that okay with you?"

     Without hesitation Itachi replied, "Yes, all I want is for her to be happy, but to do that she has to live."

     Pein simply nodded in understanding, his eyes quickly glanced at Itachi before throwing him a black hooded jacket that he seemed to have gotten out of nowhere. When Itachi unfolded it, he noticed it had red clouds on it. What was it with this organizations logo? Itachi wasted no time in slipping the jacket over his bare arms and zipping it up. When he looked back to Pein, the leader was holding a gun out to him.

     "You can't go out there empty handed," was all he said before Itachi reached out and grabbed it.

     Itachi wasn't sure how [Name] met these people, but he assumed they weren't all bad; a little eccentric, but not bad. He muttered a quick thanks and stepped out of the vehicle. Apparently he wasn't to attend to this war alone, however.

     "Itachi, senpaiiiiii! Don't leave Tobi, Tobi is a good boy! Tobi will help!"

     A boy with an orange-swirled mask opened the passenger side door and stepped – fell out onto the ground. Then a loud laugh was heard.

     "Hahahahaha! Yeah, take Tobi, maybe we'll get lucky and he'll get shot, yeah!"

     Itachi's gaze took in Tobi from head to toe, he was... odd – to say the least. He didn't really care if Tobi came or not, though instead of answering he started walking in the direction Kabuto and his goons were. He didn't have the time to spend it carelessly, [Name]'s life was in danger and he had to direct Kabuto's attention elsewhere so that Pein could get her somewhere safe. Itachi could still hear Deidara's laughter in the distance and Tobi glomping – I mean running behind him.

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