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Results Day

"Okay. I'm not gonna say what is the result. I'm just going to hand you your card." The teacher said.

Sakura is sitting with her mom. While Arlene beside her.

"Kang Hyewon." Hyewon name was called.

She then stand up and walk towards the Teacher.

' I don't even care. If I fail. Then I fail. All that I can do now is focusing on the future.' Hyewon said to herself while walking towards the Teacher.

"Congratulations." The teacher said.

Hyewon smile at the teacher and sit back down. Her friend then look at her and they check her results.

"4 A 2B." Hyewon read her results.

She then smile and look at her friend. They then smile widely.

Their maths teacher then arrive and congratulate all of them.

Her friend name were called. She checked her phone and receive a message from her mom.

Mom (Lovely♥️)

What is your results?

[You send a picture]

Wow 😍

Thank you.

"Yow what is your results?" Yena aproach her.

Hyewon show her card and Yena hit her shoulder.

"You said 4 A 1B 1C. WHAT IS THIS?" Yena ask.

"4A 2B" Hyewon smile and exit the room.

As soon as she exit. Sakura and Arlene exit the room too.

"Have you seen Elvvy?" Hyewon ask one of her junior.

"She's at the hall." Her junior answer.

"Tell her to meet me at the waiting area okay?" Hyewon said.


"Okay. Thanks." Hyewon said and walk away.

"Why did she keep on talking with that Elvvy kid. Are they dating or something. But Hyewon is Straight." Sakura said.

"What?" Arlene look at her.

"Uhh. Let's go to the waiting area." Sakura said.



As soon as they arrive there. They saw Hyewon calling with someone.

Sakura only stare at her. She's curious on who is Hyewon talking with.

"HYEWON!" Hyewon older sister called her.

"Unnie." Hyewon said.

"What is your results?" Her sister ask.

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