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After Recess


I chocked on my water when I imagine it. We then start to laugh until our face turns red.

Suddenly Syahmine and Clara enter the class. They then went to their seats.

They look at weirdly. There are some SHOCKED expression on their faces.

Then it hits me.

This is the first time I let go off my crackhead personality infront of someone else.

They then take a seat and we start talking. We also tell jokes that all of us keep on laughing.

When I talk to them. I find comfort. I don't know why. But this is the first time I get comfortable talking to people I just met.

Even with Sakura sometimes I'm awkward and I will sometimes feel uncomfortable.


From that day, Hyewon bond with her new seatmates grew. Until they became the best of friends.

Even Siska, Arlene and her other friends also became close with Syahmine, Clara and Joyce.♥️

Hyewon is not shy to show her true self. She just released her crackhead self whenever she wants to.

But eversince Siska move to 8W, she and Hyewon always prank people.

Like that one time.

"Shh..." Hyewon signal to Siska.


Hyewon and Siska just stay silent, so that they won't get caught by Joyce.

They then take Joyce water bottle and run to their class. As soon as they enter the class, they laugh like a human who forget to take their meds.

And not only that. Hyewon also started to socialize more. She's not shy to talk to people.

She also have a lot of friends. She even became friends with people from another classes.

And also she started to date Alji again.

Hyewon thought if her life started to be filled with joy and laughter everything will be fine.

She will forget about those who hurt her.

Well yes she forgot them. But sometimes our own self is trying to fool us.

March 12, 2020

"KANG HYEWON." Avril called.

"Yes?" Hyewon ask.

"Do you know Welter?" Avril ask.

"Nope. Who is that?" Hyewon ask.

"Our senior." Avril said.

"Ouh. What does he wants?" Hyewon ask.

"She wants to ask you out." Avril said.

"Nani? The fuck?" Hyewon was shocked.

She never even interact with any her seniors. She only talks with her brothers.

"He said you're cute." Avril said.

"I'm what? Eww disgusting." Hyewon said.

She hates it if someone called her cute.

"So?" Avril ask.

"I'm still in a relationship with Alji. But it seems like he's tired of me." Hyewon said.

"How about you think about it first?" Avril suggest.

"Yeah sure." Hyewon said and walk away.

The truth is she didn't even think about it. And she don't care because she's in a relationship with Alji.

7:00 PM

Hyewon is still waiting for the driver to pick her up. She's not alone.

Leona and her other friends are still there, but the thing that bother her the most is


Yes Sakura are standing infront of her. And she's looking at the sky.

Only the two of them who is alone. The others are busy talking.

Hyewon know she should take this chance to apologize and Win Sakura back, but sometimes your heart sing a different song.

Hyewon want to talk to her, she wants to hold Sakura hand just like how she used to do it. But she don't know why.

She's scared if Sakura suddenly glare at her, or ignore her.

Because the wound. The wound that Sakura left in Hyewon heart are getting bigger each day.

And the only time Hyewon won't feel the pain is when she's alone.

In her room.

In the dark.



Because she's removing the pain by crying her heart out. But the next day the pain came back.

Hyewon get used to it. So she's not confused if she suddenly cry. Because she's numb. She can't feel anything. And that is how she spent the whole year until someone change it.

Hyewon enter her school and aproach Avril to ask her something. But Arlene suddenly aproach her.

"I saw- Sakura and Alji hugging." Arlene said.

Hyewon madness rises.  She look at Avril and Avril was also scared when she saw Hyewon eyes.

"Tell Welter that I accept him."

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