extra chapter 3#

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After Hyewon wrote it down, she then smile and close her notebook. She go to a bakery and order a chocolate cake. She then take a seat and open her phone. She then open her calender and saw the next date after Hitomi's. She smile and open her notebook.

- we started to talk

- I miss you Yujin.


Out of all my break up. You're the only one whom I broke up with not because we both want it too.

  When I met you. I thought we will only end up as besties. But I didn't know that if I fall you will gladly catch me.

I know at first I didn't do a good job and didn't make you happy. But what makes my heart melt is that, instead of leaving me. You decided to talk it out with Me.

And what shocked me even more is that, you don't seem like you care...but you totally forget that I'm your only follower in your Twitter account and I'm the only one you're following and of course I can see everything you tweet.

When you said "she's just trying to calm her". There I know you get jealous easily. But I found it cute and sweet.

Then when my brother started dating someone. I keep on complimenting her on her announcement board but you found it and ask "so she's cute huh?" and I immediately panic that time,because I'm worried if you will get mad.

Then when someone greet me good morning, you immediately greet me too. And I just realise you are somehow possessive.

And I like how eventhou you remember when I said that "if you need help I can help you.".

And you really ask for my help. But to be honest. We didn't study in the same country and I didn't know what it is, but I still help you. Atleast it have answers right.

And when I thought everything is fine...and I thought my life will be happy again, I didn't know that if I get something that I wish for,I need to lose something.

But to be honest if you ask me to choose. I would rather forget those things I wish for 2 years ago rather than losing you.

But I thought you will fight for us...turns out I'm wrong. You didn't do anything. And I didn't do it too because I know you really respect them. And I'm sorry for the problems that I caused.

I'm sorry that your happines was broken Because I enter the frame. And I'm thankful that you were there when I was dying. I'm thankful that you still there to give me strength eventhou we are no longer lovers.

I'm thankful that during your free time you still hear my stupid mental illness problems eventhou we are not what we used to be.

And I'm thankful that you didn't give up on your life and dreams. I'm thankful that you keep that promise. And just like what I promised you. I found my own happiness. Not only in someone. I also found my very very own happiness. So I found 2 ways to be happy.

And eventhou I couldn't really spend your birthday with you, you still allow me to wish you.

And I'm thankful that you still remember my full name :), eventhou I don't really know your full name. You still remember mine.

And you even remember what happened to me. I'm so thankful. And I'm also thankful that eventhou we have those past, you still treat me as a little sister.

And from knowing you. I started to get afraid of losing someone and afraid if that person gave up on me. Or worst if the history repeated.

But it's funny how we started from wattpad, to twitter, to Instagram and to Nothing at all.

But I was shocked when I heard you're entering college or something...time flies so fast. You're old already. Hehe.

But thank you. You give me good memories and give me good advise. And I'm thankful to have a big sister like you eventhou we didn't talk anymore.

Hyewon :)

Hyewon then close her notebook and heaved a sigh. She smile and close her notebook.


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