What if?

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Author POV.

The omega runs a frustrated hand through his hair as he walks down the stairs.

He can't can't help but sigh nervously. It feels like the world is trying to knock him off his feet for God sakes.

The omega was dressed in the Alphas oversized t-shirt with his usual black laced underwear.

He walked down the last of a few stairs carefully with fear of slipping since he had on black socks. It's gotten recently cold in Seoul since Christmas is near and the omega likes the cold but he fears that his pups might get sick.

When he's reached the bottom of the steps he walks into the living room where his Alpha and pups are.

"Hyung" he whimpers with a frown tugging his lips.

The smiling Alpha looks up at the adorable yet so sexy mate who's pouting cutely.

Jungkook was currently on the floor playing with the pups who were trying to crawl away.

The Alpha was shirt less with just sweatpants on whereas the twins were dressed in fluffy onesies.

Jimin doesn't get how the older isn't cold during this type of weather.

Jungkook: "what is it baby?" The ladder raises up from the floor to walk over to the omega.

Jimin play with his fingers nervously looking down at his feet. Jungkook chuckles using his index finger to raise Jimin's head up to look him into the eyes.

Jungkook: "Whats wrong baby? Tell me."

The omega sighs, "My heat is 5 days late. Is that bad?"

It takes awhile for Jungkook to get where Jimin is pointing at. The couple of been through so much shit in one year and the Alpha senses that the omega is afraid that he could be pregnant. Jungkook knows that Jimin feels like pregnancy will only cause the couple to fight more, which of course it not true.

I mean it couldn't have been their finacial state because the couple are filthy rich and own korea, so maybe the omega isn't ready for a new baby or maybe he doesn't think the relationship is stable enough.

Whatever it is Jungkook is determined to fully win the younger over. Besides a preganant and chubby Jimin was quit cute and squishy. He misses the round belly, but the frown tugging on Jimin's lips says something else.

Jungkook: "Why would it be a bad thing baby?" He carresses the shorters face.

The other is taken by surprise with the question, "I just thought you didn't want anymore pups f-"

Jungkook: "If you happen to be pregnant we'll keep it. I want to see your belly all round again."

The omega blushes and the redness only becomes more prominent when the Alpha takes him into his arms and sits them on the couch with Jimin straddling either sides of his thighs.

Jungkook: "Your beautiful you know, and I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like you weren't."

Jungkook runs his hands up and the youngers curves as he places kisses all over the youngers face. Jimin can't help but purr at the attention and affection he's getting from his mate.

A yelp leaves the omegas lips when the alpha grabs his butt and uses his other hand to bring him into a kiss by grabbing his neck.

The kiss is soft and tender as their lips mold together perfectly. Taking his arms Jimin wraps them around the olders neck to bring them impossibly closer.

He giggles when to large hands go up to his stomach to softly carress it.

Jungkook: "I hope you are pregnant" he smiles pulling away from the kiss.

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