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Arthour POV.

"So your the mole?" Jimin giggles softly before leaning back in his chair.

Jimin: "What should I do to him TaeTae?" Jimin turns around to look at Taehyung who was standing at his right hand side.

Taehyung: "Spare him..." he says softly whiles smirking at Jimin.

Jimin pouts softly and turns to look at the man dressed in black, who was knelt down in front of him. Taemin and Jimin's were using their magic to hold the man down .

Taehyung: "...A long and painful death." He continues.

Jimin instantly smirks as the man's relieved face soon got all of the color drained out of it.

"No please I-I'm sorry h-he made me d-do it!!" He starts to panick thinking how he might die in the hands of an omega.

Little did he know Jin reads his mind, and scoffs of how he thinks of omegas to be so low.

Jimin: "Who made you do what?" He smiles softly.

"Your mate I-I swear."

Jimin: "Really? Interesting" Jimin rolls his eyes.

Jin: He thinks of omegas so lowly.

Taehyung: That motherfuck-

Jimin: I'm glad he does.

End Of Mind Link....

Jimin: "Did you forget that one of these three weak omegas can read minds?"


Jin: "You think were weaklings. Ha! Jimin you know what's so funny?"

Jimin: "What hyung?" He smiles softly.

Jin: "He thinks that if we were to fight with out our powers that we would lose."

Taehyung: "Funny"

Jimin: "Let him go Taemin hyung." The omega smirks.

Taemin: "You sure?"

Jimin: Don't question me.

Taemin: okay, sorry.

Taemin releases his magic from the man and watches how the man slowly gets up looking at Jimin confused.

Suddently Jimin stands up and walks infront of the man. Taehyung, and Jin joining him and standing on either sides of him.

Jimin: "You don't bow to your queen?" He scoffs.

"Why should I bow to a weak omega. You can barely fight."

Jimin giggles softly as he stares the man down. Suddently the smile vanishes and turns into a evil smirk. There was a loud growl that filled the room. Jimin had just kicked the man in his balls catching everyone off guard.

Jimin: "I don't like when people under estimate omegas." he growls as he goes to kick the man in his face again "Take his sight." and instantly his sight is taken away by Taehyung.

The man screamed as he was seeing his biggest fear come to life. He didn't know how it felt so real and how it looked like real life. Jin sudently places a hand on the mans forhead whispering the words "Calm down my child" the man quiet downs but he was still in pain. He just somehow felt his body obey to Jin, for reasons he doesn't know. It kinda felt like Jin took the pain away, that is until Jin placed his other hand on jimin's forehead. The man starts to scream and his pleas filled the room as he felt his insides burning Jimin eyes glowed white as Jin eyes shined bright blue.

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