Highway to Hell

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Author POV.

It's hot as hell. No like literally the omega is standing with a circle of fire surrounding him.

The sky is dark but he can see the lights of buildings from afar, the city of hell is not to far away so maybe he can walk there.

'Fucking hell' he thought, now was really not the time to end up in this place. Normally he's happy when he ends up outside of the city because he comes back to life in 3 minutes, and his powers can sustain him from feeling burning for that long .but no he was shot three times for God's sake and he's not gonna stay outside the city of Hell forever.

He'll probably be dead for an hour so why not visit his parents in laws. Jimin dreds the thought of meeting them at this moment but hey he's got nothing to lose and his body is starting to burn so with that thought he starts walking to the gate.

Hell isn't as bad as one thinks it is, the rich who die get to live inside the city of hell where life's a party, but the poor are forced to stay outside of the gate where they burn in the pits of fire forever. So yeah hell isn't that bad.

Sighing Jimin finally reaches the front gate and Jimin allows the male demon to open up the huge metal gates.

"Thank you" he whispers grumbly walking into the city, but smiles once he can no longer feel fire burning at his limbs.

Suddenly the lights from the buildings that he had seen from afar are now even more bright. 'Aren't these people suppose to be paying for their sins?' The thought of this makes him snicker as he continues to wait on the side walk.

Couple minutes pass and a limousine shows up. Jimin without a doubt hops in and let's the driver take him to the Jeon mansion.

The city of hell was quit a beauty only if your rich to ever see it. Its kinda sad that money comes to play on how you live in the after life but luckily not too long ago they discovered a new rule.

The new rule being if you wound up in hell and your also poor but did the right amount of good deeds you can wound up in Hell town.

A normal town with middle class people live. Which is great for all of the poor kids who would have burned outside the gates.

The omega is knocked out of his thoughts when they arrive at a huge mansion. Sighing the omega gets out and heads to the gates where security are.

"Jeon Jimin, I'm here to see my in laws." He says to the guards and he instantly lets him in.

Opening the mansion door he can hear chatter coming from the kitchen so he makes his way into there.

"Guess who?" He says loudly walking into the kitchen, the surprise couple turn around to meet the omega they can't help but smile widely.

Mrs. Jeon: "Jimin-ah I missed you" she says walking over to the omega and embracing him in her arms.

Mr. Jeon: "Your here alone where's Jungkook and our grand babies?"

"Unfortunately I didn't plan this visit, I was shot three times so its gonna take awhile for me to come back to life." He explains.

Mrs. Jeon pouts, "Well we were just about to set the table and have dinner why don't you join us?" She chuckles.

"Do I even have a choice?" He asked shoulders slumped.

Mrs. Jeon: "No" she smiles.


Jimin spent the pass hour making conversations with his in laws. They had expressed how they couldn't wait to visit them soon.

Your probably wondering why they're in the city of hell. As you know Jungkook is a rare pure blood, his father is a pure blood Alpha and his mother is a pure blood omega making his blood line bound to end up strong.

Jungkook was actually raised in hell considering that's were his parents are from, both being commissioners for the city of hell meaning their in charge of the new comers which makes it more as a duty. They're simply there to keep order which is why they're still living in hell.

Anyways Jungkook decided to move to earth after turning 16 deciding that he was an independent Alpha who could take care of himself, and the rest being history.

Jimin doesn't know why but the Alpha and his parents aren't on speaking terms so they never get to see them much per Jungkook's request. Maybe its because Jungkook decided to leave hell without even thinking it through or giving his parents time to process it.

Either which way Jimin is happy that the Alpha is with him, considering that they would have never met if Jungkook never left hell.

"God damn it" Jimin groans his body jolting awake from the cold and dirty ground of the alley where he was 'murdered'

The ladder must admit that he is beyond pissed about going to hell yet again. Of course the place is beautiful but before you can enter the beautiful city you have to walk through a fit of burning fire.

Jimin had suppressed his pain the best way he could by using his powers as a shield but it still hurt even so. Oh he's so gonna find that mother fucker and make him pay, even if he has to try that son of a bitch down to hell himself, he'll for sure do it.

Getting up from the ground slowly the omega makes his way to his parked car before getting in and heading home. It's pretty late and Jungkook should be just about arriving home.

The car ride home is filled with curses and swear words towards anybody who he could possibly think of. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat before taking a deep breathe and relaxing a car accident is not what he needs right now.

When he arrives to his mansion he doesn't pay anything or body a mind as he head straight to the shower to clean himself up.

He was wearing his favourite fucking Gucci shirt but now its fucking ruined with blood all over it.

He harshly drys himself off when he's done taking a nice hot shower, placing on his white robe he walks back into his bedroom and throws his body down onto the bed.

Jungkook: "Well hello to you too" the alpha scoffs. He had watch the omega stomp his way into the room and head straight to the bathroom with out glancing at him. "Are you alright?" His voice sounds more teasing than caring which makes Jimin gritt his teeth angrily.

"No I'm not fucking alright I died for a fucking hour after getting shot three times then I had to fucking pass the time with your parents IN HELL" he yells.

Jungkook chuckles, "Sounds like you had fun"

"Fun? Fun! I'll show you fucking fun when I find that low life human who shot me." He grumbles.

Jungkook: "I'm sure you will, let me know when you find the killer." He laughs quietly making Jimin glare.

"I hate you"

Jungkook: "I love you too baby" Jungkook coos pulling Jimin to straddle his lap.

Burying his head into the elders neck Jimin scents Jungkook lightly making their scents mix high in the air.

Jungkook: "I want a blowjob" the Alpha suddenly says out loud remembering Jimins tongue piercing which he imagined sliding over the slit of his member.

"You don't deserve any." He pouts burying his face deeper into Jungkooks neck.

Jungkook smirks, "If you do I'll eat you out until your brain goes numb" he says in a taunting voice.

Jimin blushes as a shiver runs down his spine at the thought of moaning helplessly underneath the Alpha. "Fine" he huffs placing a kiss on Jungkook's lips.

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