Dead End

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Author POV..

"Oh for fucks sakes!" Jimin screams throwing a chair across the room which hit one of his men.

"if I have to go out myself and find out who is subatoging my deals I'm going to fucking rip all of your heads off."

Taehyung: "Shit" Taehyung curses under his breathe as he watches his bestfriend toture their men.

"Where the fuck is Jackson. Taemin!" he turns his head to look at his brother who had a straight face as if use to Jimin and his tantrums.

Taemin: "Yes my lovely brother"

"Go out with team C and make sure they can actually do there job, there suppose to be the fucking trackers unit."

Taemin only nodds before walking over to the group of shaking with fear men. He lets out a dry chuckle before leading the men to gear up.

Jin: "Jackson's here" Jin whispers to Jimin placing a hand on the smallers shoulder in an act of trying to get him to relax.

Jimin only sighs before walking away to his office where he's met with Jackson sitting infront of his desk.

Jimin scowls at the low life who is potentially a trader. He will find out if Jackson is as loyal as he claims to be.

The omega sits on his desk directly infront of Jackson. He smiles softly at the Alpha, who in return smiles back at him.

Jackson: "Is there a reason you called me" he questions.

Jimin: "I left you in charge of unit F, how's that going?"

Jackson sighs before leaning back into the chair, "Well I've been training them as the potential guards they'll be in the future, and so far there doing good."

Jimin nodds slowly, "I'm sure you already know but these past few days my men and trades have been sabotaged, do you possibly know why?"

Jackson: "Why would I know?"

Jimin stands up from the desk and slowly circles around the Alpha. "I'm aware that I have alot of enemies, and also a mole that I already know the identity of, I have much instored for that person, but tell me Jackson would I have to demonstrate what I would do to another mole infront of everyone on you?"

Jackson: "I already know what your capable of, why would I go against you? Are you forgetting that this is the only way for me to profit money to restore my family's image." He growls

Jimin giggles, "Not my fault your family is weak, the strong prey on Mafia's that were like your fathers so get over it. Atleast your working for me now. Now tell me Jackson, do you possibly know who this trader is?"

Jimin wraps his right hand on tbe front of Jackson's throat whiles bending it back.

Jackson: "No I d-don't" he struggles to breathe.

"That settles it then" the omega let's go smiling brightly at the Alpha before walking out of his office.

As for the mole Jimin needs to end this quickly, he doesn't have time for this as the former Silver Circle members are back and he needs to deal with those bitches.

The omega girtts his teeth as he walks down the hallway head held high with a straight face.

He's sick of this shit and everything is gonna fucking fall in place or everyone dies, and when he means everyone, everyone will die.

Jimin: Taehyung, Jin! We are starting

Jin: Are you sure about this Jimin-ah

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