Alpha's Day Part 3.

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Author POV.

Nova: "Dada pwetty!" The pup continued to squeal even after entering three different shops. It seems like she was determined to let everyone know that her mama was a beauty that only her appa could have. Of course Jungkook doesn't mind any of it.

"Thank you sweetie" Leaning down he kisses the sitting pups cheeks smiling at the giggly girl.

Nova: "lobe you" she squeals before placing her own pacifier in her mouth to suck on it rather aggressively. Jimin chuckles before standing back to to hug the Alpha.

"Let's head to the Gucci shop to find you some more clothes." Jungkook only nods obediently he kinda likes being bossed around by the short omega, he won't admit that to anyones face though.

Jimin knows it though which is why he puts a little pep in his step as he swings his hips side to side teasing Jungkook whiles walking in front of him. Jungkook rolls his eyes playfully when Jimin looks over his shoulder to wink at the older before studding into the Gucci with the Alpha following behind whiles pushing the stroller.


"Okay next stop is the resturant I booked for us to have lunch" Jimin chimes bringing up the directions on his phone and then placing it in the phone holder for Jungkook to follow.

"Oh really?" Jungkook quirks an eyebrow, eyes diverting from the road to look at the gps for a split second. "Yes just follow the gps system and we should be there in no time" the omega smiles softly at Jungkook before turning his attention to outside of his mirror. 

The twins sat in the back seat holding each others hands and blubbering about something whiles occasionally screaming loudly every once in a while.  Jimin smiles at hearing the two have their own conversations in the back.

When they finally arrive at the restaurant the family of four were leaded to the roof top where roses petals were decorated all over the floor and two candles were set at the dinner table waiting for the family. They take their seats and order, Jungkook takes this time to look at the view, the sky was beautiful considering that it was around noon and the sun was setting slowly but surely.

Jungkook: "This is beautiful. Thank you baby" Jungkook grabs Jimin's hands and squeezes it gentlely and brings it up to his lips to peck the omegas small soft baby like hands. 

"You deserve it Alpha" he purrs winking at Jungkook before pulling away to lean back into his chair. Soon enough the familys food arrive and Jimin pulls the twins high chairs closer to him so that he can feed the eager pups. "Are you excited for your last gift?"

Jungkook: "Do I get it now?" he questions before stuffing his face.

"No" Jimin chuckles cheekily before turning his attention back to the twins and continuing to feed them. He places little strips of meet on a small plate for both the pups before continuing to eat his food.

Jungkook: "I love you." The Alpha says eyes narrowing on the omega, Jimin furrows his eyebrows Jungkook had said it in the most aggresive way. 

"I love you too" He smiles grabbing a hold of Jungkook's hand again. "There was a alpha waitor eyeing you" Jungkook responds and Jimin giggles, "After all these years you still doubt that I belong to you?" The omega teases and Jungkook pouts. 

Jimin giggles and their eyes meet in a long stare filled with adoration and love. Jungkook swears he could see the stars in the omegas eyes and it only made him stare longer and harder. To Jimin it came across as Jungkook glaring only because the olders eyes were narrowing down on his but still he could tell the Alpha was only in a haze , seeing that Jungkook's pupils had dialated.

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