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Author POV.

"Jiminie" the middle aged omega burst through the mansions door greeting her lovely son. "Oh how I've missed you dearly my baby" squeezing the omegas soft cheeks a whine slips Jimin's lips making Mrs. Park coo.

"Eomma stop" she only slightly hits the youngers butt before placing sweet kisses all over the omegas face. Turning to the side she makes her way over to the bunny looking Alpha who smiles softly at her.

Mrs. Park: "Jungkookie-ah you've gotten even more big and grown more muscles." A hand squeezes the Alphas bicep before leaning in to hug him.

Just then Mr. Park walks in with the luggage and he smiles at his son soon enough returning an ice cold glare to Jungkook, the younger Alpha only scoffs,

"I've seen you managed to impregnate my sweet innocent son"

Almost choking at the words sweet and innocent the Alpha chuckles at the words used to describe his omega. Jimin was far from sweet and innocent. However he stops smiling when both Jimin and Mr. Park are glaring at him.

Clearing his throat he smiles, "Yes sir and we were lucky enough to have twins"

Mr. Park: "I see. I'm proud of my son such a good little omega being able to provide for his Alpha. Now tell me Jimin-ah have you been causing him trouble?"

Jimin nodds innocently at his appa.

Mr. Park can't help but chuckle at his son, "Good" he says before leaning in to squishing the omega in his arms.

Mrs. Park gasp, "Where are the babies! I need to see them" bouncing excitedly on her toes she squeals happily.

"There in the living room we brought out their play pens earlier" with that being said both of the new grand parents dashed to the living room to meet their new grand children.

Just then Jungkook lets out a sigh wrapping his arms around the sleepy omega. It was currently 8 am in the morning they were still in their robes and hadn't even had breakfast when they were told Jimin parents would be here any moment.

Jungkook: "Lets go back to bed" the alpha  urges seeing that his mate is so tired.

Turning around in the biggers hold so he can wrap is arms around Jungkooks neck Jimin moans softly, "Mmm we can't Tae, Hobi and Yoongi are gonna be awake soon lets just lay down until breakfast is ready."

Jungkook nodds carrying his mate in bridlestyle up the stairs. When they get to the room he locks the door before laying down next to the omega and cuddling him.

All of a sudden the omega blurts out, "I might be pregnant again" When I tell you Jungkook almost breaks his neck how fast it snapped up the Alpha winces softly making Jimin chuckle.

Jungkook: "W-what?"

"I said I might be pregnant again. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" He ask nervously.

Jungkook hugs the omega closer, "Of course its a good thing. I get to have another pup with the person I love so much and breast milk"

Jungkook can't deny he loved when his mate was pregnant. He got to enjoy a chubby and plump omega who became clingy over the passing days.

He goes to lay in between Jimin's leg kissing the youngers stomach through his robe. Jimin can't help but giggle at the sensation.

Jungkook: "I hope its a boy and I hope it looks just like you" resting his head to lay on Jimin's stomach his hands slide up and down the others thigh.

"Mmm Jungkook-ah I want you" that's enough to send the Alpha into pure bliss his head snaps up again causing a shock of pain to flow making him groan.

The Mafia's Mate: Behind Every Successful Alpha is A Powerful Omega Where stories live. Discover now