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Arthour POV>>

Taemin stood infront of the man who sat in the shadow. A smirk never leaving the youngers face, the shadowed man had called Taemin in to have a important talk about getting rid of Jimin once and for all. Taemin on the other hand took his time before arriving at the olders mansion.

"You need to find out just how powerful he is"

Taemin groans as he rolls his eyes, "I have told you, Jimin has almost passed me, which means he is almost as strong as you."

The man snickers before speaking, "Like I said, find out how strong he is."

Taemin rolls his eyes yet again before vanishing into thin air.

"I'm coming for you Park Jimin" the older smirks.

Jimin's office>>

Jimin sat down in his chair discussing buisness with Jin and Tae as they waited for Taemin to arrive. The younger felt like there was something going on behind his back, but he just couldn't pin point it. Thats why Jimin had everyone of his men under go Taehyungs and Jin's test of loyalty. Luckily everyone passed.

Besides that everyone of their workers feared them as they heard rumors about what happend to the mole. They especially feared them as they were told Jimin had unlock powers that only the original Sliver Circle members had. Alot of people thought that maybe he was a decendant of a Silver circle member. Or even he was possibly trained by one.

But of course some didn't believe that at all, after all the orignal Sliver Circle members had vanish a long time ago, even before Jimin was born. Which made people even more curious and scared of the three omegas.

What they didn't know was the only resonable and true explanation of the multiple powers they had was love, yes love. Plain old simple love. It's no secret that Jimin, Tae and Jin are very special after all they are the only male omegas to ever exist. Combine that with three Pure Blood Alphas that only existed in fairy tales and boom you have six of the worlds most powerful and rich people.

But right now all of that didn't matter. What mattered was it felt like he was being played and trick by someone who was right under his nose. He knows its not his mate, infact he can't wait to meet Jungkook today, he misses his Alpha's scent. But still he was gonna get to the bottom of everything.

The omega was suddently brought out of his thoughts by his two bestfriends, who were currently staring at him weirdly.

Jin: "Jimin" he called with a worried expression.

Jimin: "Huh sorry I spaced out, what were you saying?"

Tae rolls his eyes before speaking "He asked if you thought that Jungkook was behind this."

Jimin sighs, "As much as that man makes me sick, he doesn't have the balls to steal from the warehouse, after all we did kill his mole."

Jin: "Your right. But who could be behind this?" he's clearly stressed.

Jimin: "Its simple, the Jung clan" Jimin smiles.

Tae: "Really!?"

Jimin: "Yep and we'll go meet them soon."

The three omegas wore bright smiles on their faces as they couldn't wait to get started. Suddently out of no where Taemin appeared before flashing everyone a small smile. Jimin how ever narrowed his eyes at the older Alpha.

Taemin: "What could I have possibly done." he groans.

Jimin: "Nothing, just where were you? We have to go see the clan that stole from us." he asked clearly pissed.

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