Lit de mort

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Author POV.

Its a sunny day as the birds outside continue to sing along with each. The weather counldn't have been anymore perfect! it wasn't to sunny yet it wasn't too cloudy and cold. Today would be described as the perfect Sunday morning. The sun shined through the curatins insde of Jimin and Jungkook's bedroom.

The light reflecting greatly on Jimin's skin. He looked much like a Goddess in both the sun light and moonlight and Jungkook couldn't help but admire that. Saddly that moment of peace is cut short when the omega squeezes his balls a little too hard. Thats right ladies and gentlemen those two horny bastards were having sex! Jimin on his knees and Jungkook laying back on the bed head with his hands tangled in Jimin's hair pulling it slightly.

 Anyways back to what I was saying (sighs because the characters do what they wanna do) Jungkook groans a little bit louder than usual when the smaller squeezes his balls. Jimin pulls off of Jungkook with unintreseted look on his face, "You stopped moaning and was staring at me like a crazy person" 

Jungkook can't but let his eyes drift down the smallers body. His tiny waist, thick milky white thighs, cute erect member- "Ahh" he groans at the feeling of Jimin flickering his balls.

"See your doing it again you idiot finish your self off" he scoffs climbing out of the bed and placing on his robe. "Baby I was just admiring your beauty" Jungkook tries to reason but to no use the omega was no longer in the mood to get railed.

"I don't care" he says sash sashaying away to the bathroom to start his morning routine. "Oh and good morning honey I love you" he says from the bathroom. The once scowling Alpha was now blushing he doesn't think Jimin has ever called him 'honey' he's normally the one to use pet names on the omega. So there he is blushing to himself like an idiot. 

Though he's knocked out of his daze at the sound of knocking to their bedroom door. Geting up he opens the door only to be met wih a shell schoked Mrs. Park. It takes his brain a little while to process whats happrning until he realises he's fully naked with his member hard as ever. Before he can move Mrs. Park speaks, "Breakfast is ready" she slams the door shut before Jungkook can even respond.

"Shit'' he curses. Jimin's gonna kill him and Mr. Park is gonna be the one to dig up his grave just to piss on his face.


Taehyung: "Why is the atmosphere so tense?" Taehyung questions. They all sat at the dinning room table eating breakfast the maids had prepared. "Yeah are you guys alright?" Mr. Park adds on glancing at his wife and everyone else at the table.

Mrs. Park squeaks, "I saw Jungkook-ssi naked with a hard on" so yells covering her mouth when done, eyes wide in shock. Jimin sets his fork aside sighing loudly.

Yoongi chokes on the orange juice he started to sip, whiles Taehyung tried to suppress his laughter, 

Mrs. Park: "It was huge Jimin honey I see why you chose Jungkook" It's now time for Jungkook to cough on the water he was sipping. He could feel the glares of Jimin and Mr. Park.

"Mom!" Jimin scolds throwing his cloth on the ground. Taehyung couldn't hold back as he burst out laughing, Jimin glares.

Jungkook: " I-I can explain-" he starts but is cut off before being able to defend himself.

Mr. Park and Jimin: "Don't even speak" they growled.

Jungkook only gulps ndding his head and beginning to mince on his food quietly, avoiding eye contact with three people all while trying to look as normal as possible. He's an alpha yet he feels lik Jimin and Mr. Park have stripped him of his pride.


Stirring and settling aside the cup full of whiskey his ears perk up at the sound of the door opening. Raising an eyebrow he turns around to see one of his men. Bowing repsectfully the man speaks, "Sir the guest his here" He only nodds dismissing the man.

Carefully adding a clear liquid into one of the glasses he stirrs the drink again before resting it on the coffee table. Since his opponents want to play dirty then he'll definetly play the dirtess. He's tired of having mercy and compansion of his enemies, it's time to put things to an end once in for all.

With Jung Hwa and Kim Heechul up his ass he doesn't have time for the small subtle moves. He's gonna take a big leap and he's gonna make all of his enemies regret ever trying to go against him with this simple liquid.

Lit de mort also know as Death Bed a french poison established and created in France in the early 1600's. He's recieve about 100 small bottles of these from his last trade and he even manageed to get the last of the liqiud ever to be made again. He killed the person who still maked them but not before getting the ingredients so that his own trusted men can start whipping it up.

It takes about 20 minutes to kill a regular been, but judging by the person he's using it on maybe a solid hour.

However thats fine the meeting is set for an hour long and even if the other wants to leave early he'll just assign his men to watch the person from a distance. 

Oh how he hates Monday mornings but this one thing might just make it his favourite day of the week. He's snapped out of his thoughs when the door reopens showing the person he's been waiting for. Smiling he gestures for the other male to sit down.

Walking over he hands the man a glass of whiskey before setting himself down one. "Good to have you here"

"Glad to be here" the man responds accepting the drink. Excusing himself to grab his file from the other room in his office. The guest then sniffs the beverage he had been giving. Nothing smelled out of place or weird, raising an eyeborw he swtiches the drinks just in case.

Not to long after the other comes back out with his file in his hands. Sitting at his desk he smiles at the guest.

Guest: "Cheers?" he leans his cup forward raising his hands up to clack glasses with the other. Jimin raises an eyebrow suspiciously before raising his glass and drinking it all down. "Now let's get to business" he says looking closly at Jimin.

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