Chapter II

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You were startled awake by the sound of your crow reporting your next mission. You rubbed your eyes and put on your uniform that you had laid out the night before, and quietly walked out of your room. You peeked to see if your grandmother or father were awake. Grandma was asleep, but you saw your father, sitting outside, watching the sunrise.

"I'm headed out on a mission, Dad!" You said to him energetically. "Take care of grandma and take care of yourself. I will send you a letter when I get a chance."

He nodded with a gentle smile and said to me "Your mother came to me in a dream last night, she wants you to know how proud she is of you. You are so brave." Your eyes lit up, and you couldn't help but smile.

"Be careful, sweetie, that's all I ask of you." he said, with a bit of worry in his speech.

"You don't have to worry about me, I'll write you and grandma soon." I kissed him on the cheek and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. I made sure I had everything I needed and set off on my mission.

You tried to run everywhere you went, to build up stamina, and to make sure you got where you need to be, so no more lives were lost to the demons responsible. Your father's words replayed your my head. You didn't know why those 3 days you spent with your family were more sentimental than normal. You had a pit in your stomach, worried something might happen to them while you were gone. But, you pushed the thoughts out of your head. "You can't think like that, (Y/N)" you told yourself.

3 hours of running went by in a blink, since you were so lost in your thoughts. You stumble across the town your crow was talking about. It was still early in the day, so you decided to get some lunch and tea from a little shop to kill some time.

You ordered your food and a hibiscus tea to calm you down before the long night ahead of you. As you ate, you inspected the cafe, looking to see if you saw any other demon slayers around. For a little while, no one stood out to you. Minutes passed while you finished up your meal and sat back in your seat, drinking your tea.

You had a clear view of the outside from your table. As you looked, a man with black messy hair and what looked like a miss matched haori walked by the front of the cafe swiftly. He had a demon slayer uniform on from what you could tell. "Wow, he was kind of attractive." you thought to yourself. You thought about getting up to follow him and see if maybe he had any intel, but you decided not to. "I'll try to look for him later."

When the shop owner came to collect your dishes you asked her if there had been any missing people within the last couple of days. "Are you a demon slayer?" she asked with widened eyes. Taken aback, you nodded your head slowly. Demon slayers aren't well known in most villages as small as the one you were visiting, considering that they are not recognized by the government.

She sat down in the chair in front of you, with fear in her eyes. "Little boys have been going missing for about 4 days now, and everyone here is very worried." "How old have they been?" you asked. "Between 5-8 for the most part. Two little boys even went missing from inside their house last night."

You realized this situation was dire. More than likely, you were dealing with a female demon, one, who in her previous life, probably lost her young son. Demons all had patterns, and a lot of the times, they took memories from their human life and that is how they choose their victims.

"A shop clerk, just 2 buildings down, lost one of his grand babies about 3 days ago. I know its hard for him to talk about it, but if it means saving the rest of this village from terror, you ought to go talk to him." You nodded " Thank you, this really helps a lot." "Of course." She responded as she picked up your plates and walked back into the kitchen.

You left the little cafe, and walked over to the shop she was talking about. Inside, you saw lots of beautiful antiques, with an older man sitting behind a table with jewelry and ivory pieces. "May I help you find anything, young lady?" He asked me. " No sir, but I would like to ask you a couple of hard questions, if you don't mind, of course." He snickered, "Am I in trouble?" "No sir," you giggled, "This is about your grandson." Immediately, his eyes saddened.

"Sure, what do you need to know?" He had some suspicion in his voice, and it was your goal, to make him feel like he could trust you. "How did he go missing? He paused for a moment, then began: "You see, my little boy loved to play outside. It was late that evening, around 9, when he should've been in bed. But he snuck out with his older sister to go play on the front porch. She explained, that a wooden toy car, wheeled its way in front of him, and out of excitement, he grabbed it and instantly vanished."

You couldn't believe what you were hearing. "Was this some sort of blood demon art?" He continued, "My granddaughter woke up her parents and told them what had happened, and we haven't seen him since that day. They haven't even touched the toy car, scared of what might happen if they do."

"Thank you for your time sir, I will make sure I put an end to this, and if I find him, I will bring him back to you." You said to him with a soft smile. A tear fell from his eye, "Thank you." he replied kindly.

You left the shop, in awe of what you had just heard. It was still early, so you decided to go back into the woods, to meditate some to get get your body ready for that night and to think of a strategy that could be useful. You were determined to find the demon responsible for all this heartbreak.


I hope you guys enjoyed chapter 2!! Giyuu will be more prevalent from here on out! my intentions for this fanfic is to make it long, but enjoyable so i really wanna set the scene!

Get ready for some of him and some demon slaying!! chapter 3 should be out tomorrow!

This chapter has also been edited! Obviously I have a problem with pronouns lol

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