Chapter 6

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I do not own the vampire diaries in any way shape or form.


"You have to wait until the next full moon so Elena can truly become a hybrid, when this happens you have to make her your Luna, in other words, you need to make her your hybrid queen." Gloria announced.

No one's POV

For a moment the room was silent.

"Yeahhhh, No, Not gonna happen, lady" Damon said, breaking the silence.

"No one said you have a say in this." Klaus countered.

"Is there another way?" Elena asked, still looking down, ashamed.

"As a matter of fact, there is another way." Gloria responded.

Klaus turned to Gloria and raised an eyebrow.

"Klaus would have to feed the wolf his blood and kill him, when the wolf is in transition they would have to feed off of Elena, then to complete the process they would have to feed off of a human." Gloria paused for a moment.

"And why the bloody hell didn't you start off that way!" Klaus interrupted.

"I was going to tell you before you so rudely interrupted me." Gloria said, a bit annoyed, forgetting who she was talking to.

"Watch your tongue." Klaus growled.

"As I was saying, the problem with this option is that you would have to completely activate the soulmate bond." Gloria concluded.

"Wait, I thought their soulmate bond was already activated." Stefan interjected.

"No, they would have to go through a process to activate it." Elijah answered.

"So how did he do that truth telling thing with Elena?" Damon asked.

"Well it wasn't really so much as truth telling, it was more like i was speaking to her inner self, her soul to be specific." Klaus said with a chuckle.

"So why would it be a problem to activate the soulmate bond?" Caroline asked.

Klaus looked at her before responding.

"Pesky little side effects." Klaus said, shrugging.

"Side effects?" John asked, worry clear in his voice.

Klaus chuckled.

"Yes, it is said that they are able to feel each other's emotions, sense when the other is in danger, and like you've just seen, they can speak to the other's soul. Also if they focus hard enough they can see inside of the other's mind meaning they can hear their thoughts, see their memory, and could possibly influence the choices that person makes. Although it weakens the person attempting this." Elijah answered before Klaus got the chance to speak.

"That seems like an advantage to Klaus, why would he be against it." Damon scoffed.

"That is because Elena would be able to do the same, isn't it." Bonnie said, coming to a realization.

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