Chapter 14

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Her eyes fluttered open, she was surrounded by darkness, even with her advanced eyesight she couldn't see anything. She should have been panicking, but instead, she felt comfortable and safe. It was like she was supposed to be here, it felt right. She had a feeling that she hadn't had ever since she came into this world, the feeling that she belonged. She did not feel lost anymore, she had found the meaning of her life. She wouldn't mind staying here forever.

She suddenly sensed someone's presence, a girl who looked like her was approaching her. There was a bright light surrounding the girl, following her as she came closer, her face was sweet, innocent, but she was filled with guilt and sadness.

"Who are you?" the girl asked, surprised that she could actually speak properly... was this inside of her head.

"I'm Elena." Elena announced

"No, I'm Elena." the other girl said.

Elena shook her head, with a small smile on her lips.

"We are both Elena, I'm your memories. For now you can call me Miranda." Miranda informed.

Before Elena could react, another girl came from the direction Miranda came from, the girl also looked the same as them. This girl's light was dimmer than Elena's, something about this girl was old and menacing. She was followed by an all-white wolf, it's light was the brightest.

"Who-" Elena said before being interrupted.

"My name is Helen, you are my reincarnation." Helen announced with a sly smile.

Miranda looked at Helen for a moment before bringing her eyes back to Elena.

"Shall we start?" Helen stated impatiently.

Miranda hesitated for a moment before deciding this had to happen.

Miranda reached her hand out to Elena, Elena took it without hesitation. Elena didn't take Miranda's of her own will, it was as if something was controlling her body.

"It's okay." Miranda whispered to Elena, seeing her reaction.

Miranda, Elena, and Helen formed a circle around the white wolf. They stood there in the circle, but nothing happened. That is until the wolf started howling. Elena couldn't help but admire the howl, it was the most beautiful thing she had ever heard. Suddenly, all of the girls dropped to the ground.
The girls eyes opened simultaneously, they immediately realized they were not in the same place. Elena looked around and realized that they were in a cave, and they weren't alone.

"Welcome to the past, our past." Helen informed, seeing the fact that they were confused.

"Can they-" Elena started.

"See us? No, we can't interact with them." Miranda stated.

"It is as she said, we are here to watch." Helen confirmed.

"No" Helen's father breathed, realizing his wife had died.

Ayana walked towards Helen's father with a baby in her arms. Helen's father refused to look at her.

"She knew the risks, you both did." Ayana reminded Helen's father.

Helen's father flinched and looked at Helen with disgust and hatred.

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