Inosuke x fem. Reader (fluff)

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"I lov u"𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎"Why are words so hard" inosuke slammed his forehead on the table I've been trying to teach him how to read and write since we've been stuck in the estate, after the fight on ...

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"I lov u"
"Why are words so hard" inosuke slammed his forehead on the table I've been trying to teach him how to read and write since we've been stuck in the estate, after the fight on the mountains we were all physically broken so there was nothing better to do then teach him a few things so he's not completely illiterate. "This doesn't even make sense how can it be spelled with word it doesn't even sound like"

"The letters are silent, I know it's stupid but that's just the way it is" I take a sigh "we can stop if you want and learn silent letters later" he nodded and laid back on the floor.

"Who taught you how to do this stuff?" he asked

"I taught myself they rarely teach girls how to read Ya know" I explained, after that we both kind of just fell into an awkward silence. Inosuke got up and left the room I did the same I walked onto the fresh air as it hits me in the face but it's pretty chilly. I pace around the courtyard I actually really like it here I'll visit often. Butterflies fly past my eyes and on to flowers I could just watch this place's nature at work for hours. I sat down in front of a pillar and just stared off into the distance in deep thought so deep I didn't notice inosuke walk over to me "oh hey inosuke what do you need" he took off his mask leaving the porcelain and pale face in it's place.

"Nothing just wanted to sit out here with you" we sat there for a while till inosuke broke the silence "what did you break when we fought on the mountains zenitsu said you almost died" he explained I chuckled

"No, he just over exaggerates I just broke little parts of my back and both of my wrists so not too big a deal" I smile at him "but I heard you broke a couple of ribs and stuff how are you healing"

"Fine, doesn't hurt" I look in confusion and poked at his ribs he shut his eyes tightly and winced in pain.

"You don't have to lie and act tough inosuke, you heal when your body wants no need to rush" he looks at me in confusion

"What do you mean I want to get better so why aren't I" I chuckle

"No your body not your brain" I tapped his forehead with my finger and smiled he looked embarrassed. He put his mask back on. "Aw, what gives I like your face" I picked up the mask by the ears and slowly took it off his cheeks were redder than apples, he snatched the mask from my hands and put it back on, and ran away "huh weird," I say to myself the clouds started to darken and get denser " I might as well go in it's about to rain," I say to myself I stretch to get up and as I walk I see a journal on the ground, I gave inosuke a journal when I first started to teach him but I never really thought he actually used it. I pick it up in curiosity and flip through the pages I found a page that was marked and was the most recent in the book. It read;

"I  lik y/n  a  lot she is really nice and is teaching me how to read and writ but im not good at it yet but she says ill get beter in no tim. i lov her"

My face most likely glowed red this is the sweetest thing I've read and especially coming from him. I run into the butterfly estate with no hesitation "inosuke!" I yelled out he pops out of the other room he saw the journal in my hand "oh here I found this, your writing is pretty much perfect" the boar looks me in the eyes with a soft but intense glare

"You read that" I nod "I'm sorry I-" I cut him off with a large hug that felt like it lasts forever.

"No need to be, I love you to inosuke" I take off his mask once more and place a kiss on his forehead "you're adorable" his face was various shades of red and pink.

"Wait I spelled I love her wrong didn't I" I nod and laugh a little

"I  l o v e  h e r"


Hello thank you for reading this chapter give me requests because I'm struggling here. This was kinda short but if you want longer stories just tell me. But I hope you all have a good day be sure to eat as much as you can and to drink as much water as you can

Love ya -arie ♡︎

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