Shinobu x mitsuri x fem.reader (fluff)

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Here ya go Japanese_weeb_here ♡︎

Here ya go Japanese_weeb_here ♡︎

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I brush through the thick and long hair that faded from bright pink to line green as Mitsuri hummed a song that she made up as the wind whipped by our faces as the butterflies flew freely "so what's been going on y/n" mitsuri stops her humming and asks me.

"Nothing too exciting" I answer putting the brush down and pulling her hair back putting it into one large braid.

"Come on there has to be something going on with you" she paused for a second "ooh do you like someone?" she blurted out of nowhere in a sort of shock my hands stopped

"No, where did you get that from," I said trying to cover for myself.

"You don't sound so sure" she turned around and looked at me straight in the face. My face turned red and started to get hot. "So you do like someone who is it" she got very close to my face so we were only a couple of centimeters apart. My face started to burn in embarrassment.

"Um it's two people actually" she widened her eyes

"Who are they, wait is it rengoku or or or Giyuu" I shake my head. "Is it Tengen" I shake my head again "well then who is it is it a girl" my eyes start to widen and my face got hot again "yep it's girls, do I know them"

I know she wasn't gonna let this go so I decided to answer her "yeah" her eyes widened "it's Shinobu and ah" at this time I was cut off by Shinobu herself.

"So you feel like talking about me how about you help me clean up the estate as you promised"

My breath staggered "oh your right sorry" I got up quickly but matsuri grabbed my wrists and pulled me down so her lips were only a couple of centimeters away from my ear she whispered in a soft voice "good luck" and left a peck on the far side of my check so Shinobu didn't see. My eyes widened and I backed away she was smiling and waving to me.

"Come on y/n hurry hurry" I ran over to her obviously flustered and a rambling mess "huh what's up why are you all red you gotta crush on me or something" she started to laugh.

"No, it just" I lied it wasn't hot at all only maybe 60 degrees

"I was just kidding calm down" he patted my back then grabbed my wrist like Mitsuri did and dragged me into the estate "could you check the beds to see if the girls took the sheets off them already" I nod trying to get away from this situation as soon as possible. Hoping secretly that the sheets were still on the bed so I could spend more time away but as I walked into the room all the beds were stripped and no blankets or sheets to be seen" WELL ARE THERE ANY THERE" she yelled from across the estate

"NO" I yell back wondering what she will ask of me next "WELL I CAN'T FIND ANYTHING TO CLEAN EITHER I THINK THE GIRLS DID IT" she yelled in response I started to walk back towards at a sluggish pace but eventually I did meet her she started to walk back outside sitting down next to mitsuri I followed suit.

"That was fast did you two even clean," she asked

"Well no it turns out the girls did it before we came" Shinobu answered mitsuri smiled. "Hey y/n you've got something to tell Shinobu right" mitsuri blurted out.

"Huh, you do?" I panicked

"NO, I think mitsuri has been in the sun too long" I started to awkwardly laugh. Shinobu looked at me confused "but it's cloudy out... Y/n are you ok for not acting yourself whatever it is you can tell me"

I took a deep breath and looked down at my shaking hands that were lightly placed in my lap as the wind whipped across my face. "Well um this is kinda hard to say but I've liked you both for a while and I don't know I just can't choose" I looked up at them both they were both in shock.

"Well if you don't want to choose I'm alright with all three of us being together" mitsuri commented we both looked at Shinobu.

"Yeah that's good with me to"  my eyes lit up with excitement I grabbed both of their hands and squeezed them I was so happy I couldn't think straight everything was better than I could of ever imagined.
Did I do good I've never really been in a poly relationship before so I don't really know how you would like confess tell me if I did anything wrong then I'll fix well bye love ya

Ps. Sorry this took forever

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